Scientific name: Tectona grandis (L.f)
Common names: teak , teak.
Family: Lamiaceae
Endemic species of Asia
Organoleptic properties
Colour The heartwood (central part) is brown and golden, while the sapwood (outer part) is light yellow.
Texture Smooth
Grain Usually straight, sometimes wavy.
Density Semi-heavy wood
General characteristics and uses
Hardness Semi-hard wood
Drying Wood with very good slow natural drying, without risk of deformations
Resistance High strength wood
Workability Easy workability for different uses
Durability It has a high natural durability, resistant to biological attacks
Sawing There are no problems for your sawing or sawmilling process
Brush Trouble-free, excellent maneuverability
Just Due to its present xylematic characteristics, it has interesting distinctive features
Uses It is used for the manufacture of high-quality furniture (exterior and interior), boats, exterior and interior carpentry, port infrastructure and even elements in contact with the agua, fa�§ade cladding, stair steps, among others ...
Dimensions made in Sawmill
Trunks Commercially initial diametric dimensions of 0.15cm are handled in the apical part of each roll, up to diameters greater than or equal to 30cm, these trunks are structured or sectioned in initial lengths of 2.5m.
Note: this condition is subject to change based on requests established by the buyer.