Sour Popping candy with fruit flavors comes in a box of 12 pieces x 24gram. Price is considered per piece .
Licorice Lollipops with salt powder comes in a box of 15 pieces x 70 gram . Price is considered per piece.
Candies Group number 2 is contain 75 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names .
You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email .
If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Oil produced from palm fruit is called red palm oil or just palm oil. It is around 50% saturated fat considerably less than palm kernel oil and 40% unsaturated fat and 10% polyunsaturated fat. In its unprocessed state, red palm oil has an intense deep red color because of its abundant carotene content. Like palm kernel oil, red palm oil contains around 50% medium chain fatty acids, but it also contains the following nutrients:
Carotenoids, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lycopene
Vitamin E