Turmeric Oil
Mix of oils Dr.Oil Corn germ oil Walnut oil Pumpkin seed oil Home-recipe sunflower oil Raw-pressed sunflower oil Sesame oil Flaxseed oil Mustard oil Peanut oil Soybean oil Milk thistle oil Rosehip oil Wheat germ oil Sea buckthorn oil Cedar nut oil Hempseed oil Garlic sunflower oil Amaranth oil Macadamia nut oil Black cumin oil
Collected from own fields in North Ukraine. Was dried for 1-2 week in a dark, warm, dry cleaned space. Oils 3,45% Very clean. Can be separated or not. Capacity: 10 000 Kg Minimum Order Qty: All capacity Packaging: Bigbag Here photo from our fields and stock bit.ly/2ZvSGBE
Ukranian compamy specialized in manufactring of amaranth oil and flour, processing of oil in grape and miliatsian (wheat) is looking for a cistomer(health food stores, herbal pharmacies, cosmetic firms)
Foods Amaranth oil is used in the cooking, such as sauce to salads, porridges, puree, vegetables stew. Cosmetics It is used in emulsions, lipsticks, massage bars, massage oils and hair products. Amaranth oil is able to absorb ultraviolet radiation, so it is ideal for use in sunscreens. Pharmaceuticals It is used in the treatment of psoriasis, in the ear drops, in the compresses in the inflammation of the lymph nodes, in the drops against the palate, in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis. The oil is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, traumatic lesions of the skin, anemia, diseases of the mouth and throat, cancer, as well as in ophthalmology, endocrinology.
1) Condiment oil AGLIO - basil&garlic - based on pumpkin oil for bright and spicy dishes 2) Condiment oil BASILICO - rosemary&basil - based on hemp oil for fragrant dishes 3) Condiment oil LIMONE - lemon&basil - based on sesame oil for light dishes with fresh notes 4) Condiment oil PEPERONI - pepper mix - based on walnut oil for moderately spicy and fragrant dishes 5) ondiment oil PICCANTE - chili&tomato - based on sesame oil for spicy dishes
RichOil is Leading in Europe and the largest Ukrainian producer of direct pressed oils and healthy food products. We produce high quality cold pressed oils for sale in retail, pharmaceutical chains and health food stores. We use traditional processing technology and exclusively natural ingredients. in Ukraine we are working with our own trade mark: OLIBO. Also Possible Private Labeling and Wholesale
The high zinc content regulates the correct balance of male and female hormones. For women, this mineral is especially necessary during pregnancy for the correct formation of the placenta. Thanks to zinc, men will be able to avoid potency disorders, a decrease in the number of active sperm and the development of prostate adenoma, which can develop with age. Pumpkin oil contains the most valuable source of vitamin F. It is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic) and omega-6 (linoleic, arachidonic). It is indispensable for women's and men's health. Unique and balanced biochemical content pumpkin-seed oil: - normalizes work of nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, genitourinary, and digestive systems - clears the organism from carcinogens, toxins, fortifies the immunity, improves the metabolic processes, and normalizes the general endocrine profile - improves state of skin, hair, nails, reduces the inflammations and due to regenerating, moisturizing, and nutritive features prevents the pre-mature aging
ART no - 723581 FULL NAME - Hair mask "Dalas" with Pomegranate Oil and Natural Coconut Oil 500 ml DESCRIPTION - The mask is based on a special formula that combines. The mask carefully cares for the hair, maintaining cleanliness and well-groomed appearance, removing static electricity and stabilizing the pH level, nourishing and moisturizing, strengthening and restoring. PRICE - negotiable price
Phospholipids >450 mg Omega-3 Fatty acids > 240 mg EPA > 135 mg DHA > 70 mg Astaxanthin - > 500 mcg
Flaxseed oil TM Olibo is a healthy alternative to refined products with chemical food additives. The gentle technology of the first extraction preserves the useful properties of the oil, so regular use of the product improves well-being and stimulates the immune system. Due to its high content of omega-3, flaxseed oil is considered a vegetable alternative to fish oil, and B vitamins turn this oil into a natural antidepressant.
Ukrainian production company accepts applications for the production of freshly squeezed oil, pasta (buter) flour, pasta: Pumpkin oil. Nut oil. Milk thistle oil. Flax seed oil. Grape seed oil. Wheat germ oil. Amaranth oil. Garlic oil. PASTE from seeds: Peanut paste. Sugar free peanut butter. Peanut butter with honey. Peanut butter with cocoa. Walnut paste. Hairy nut paste. Hazelnut paste. Almond paste. FLOUR: Durum wheat flour. Wheat flour. Rye flour. Whole grain flour. Flour pumpkin. Milk thistle flour. Flour amprant. Flour lion. Hemp flour. Pasta/
Collectively known as lipids, the main functions of lipids are to: supply and transport fatty acids and vitamins, protect vital body organs, insulate warmth and regulate body temperature, assist growth and promote healthy blood, nerves, muscles and skin, transport and breakdown cholesterol, prolong digestion and enhance absorption and flavour, be a source and store of energy.