Packed in PET bottles (1L/5L)
Production capacity: 1200 tonnes per month
BuyerÆs label available
Product was exported to European Union and fulfills all necessary standards
40 feet container has 26700 1L bottles and 5652 5L bottles packed in boxes (3 5L bottles per box)
We offer hight quality of sunflower oil of Ukraine Origin. 5 liter pet bottles and according to buyers interests.
FCA,DAP price
We assist to make transportation and logistic service EU
Amaranth oil is used in the cooking, such as sauce to salads, porridges, puree, vegetables stew.
It is used in emulsions, lipsticks, massage bars, massage oils and hair products. Amaranth oil is able to absorb ultraviolet radiation, so it is ideal for use in sunscreens.
It is used in the treatment of psoriasis, in the ear drops, in the compresses in the inflammation of the lymph nodes, in the drops against the palate, in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis. The oil is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, traumatic lesions of the skin, anemia, diseases of the mouth and throat, cancer, as well as in ophthalmology, endocrinology.
1) Condiment oil AGLIO - basil&garlic - based on pumpkin oil for bright and spicy dishes
2) Condiment oil BASILICO - rosemary&basil - based on hemp oil for fragrant dishes
3) Condiment oil LIMONE - lemon&basil - based on sesame oil for light dishes with fresh notes
4) Condiment oil PEPERONI - pepper mix - based on walnut oil for moderately spicy and fragrant dishes
5) ondiment oil PICCANTE - chili&tomato - based on sesame oil for spicy dishes
Biological value of the flax oil is several times more than the other cooking oil's ones (vitamins F, A, E, B, K, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids).
Flax oil moistures and nutrites skin, so it is practically irreplaceable in cosmetology. It helps to keep tonus and protects from pre-mature wrinkles.
In cookery, flax oil is used as dressing for salads and is combined with protein food improving the healthful effect of natural products.
Sesame seed oil contains vitamin K, which is usually not enough in our diet. This vitamin is necessary for those who have bleeding gums, bruises appear and do not go away for a long time, nosebleeds occur to increase blood clotting. In addition, it is useful for joint pain and fragility of bones.
Complex of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids improves cardiovascular system
contains the unique substance sesamol. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cell membranes from damage caused by free radicals, has cardioprotective properties and suppresses tumor activity.
The rich amino acid composition of Olibo sesame oil is represented by linoleic, oleic, palmitic and other useful acids. They are necessary for the well-coordinated work of all organs and systems of the body, are responsible for the correct metabolism, regulate the work of the heart, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Cosmetology. Sesame oil is an excellent cosmetic product. Vitamin E, which is part of this oil, is included in various anti-aging creams and serums for a reason. It has antioxidant properties, promoting regeneration and protecting the skin from premature aging. The oil contains natural light filters that create a barrier against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Sesame seed oil is great for massage. It relaxes muscles, restores skin tone and elasticity, heals small wounds and improves blood circulation.
Flaxseed oil TM Olibo is a healthy alternative to refined products with chemical food additives. The gentle technology of the first extraction preserves the useful properties of the oil, so regular use of the product improves well-being and stimulates the immune system. Due to its high content of omega-3, flaxseed oil is considered a vegetable alternative to fish oil, and B vitamins turn this oil into a natural antidepressant.
Mustard oil is distinguished by high content of Vitamin D (1.5 times more than in sunflower oil) which increases immunity, improves thyroid gland work and prevents risk of a number of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E and vitamin A are favourable for metabolic processes in organism; they improve skin and hair state. Mask based on mustard oil stimulates hair growth and strengthens it.
Mustard oil has a wonderful smell and spicy, slightly astringent taste. It perfectly passes for salad dressing, fish, meat, and vegetable dishes, and it can be used in bakery.
RichOil is Leading in Europe and the largest Ukrainian producer of direct pressed oils and healthy food products.
We produce high quality cold pressed oils for sale in retail, pharmaceutical chains and health food stores.
We use traditional processing technology and exclusively natural ingredients.
in Ukraine we are working with our own trade mark: OLIBO.
Also Possible Private Labeling and Wholesale
The high zinc content regulates the correct balance of male and female hormones. For women, this mineral is especially necessary during pregnancy for the correct formation of the placenta.
Thanks to zinc, men will be able to avoid potency disorders, a decrease in the number of active sperm and the development of prostate adenoma, which can develop with age.
Pumpkin oil contains the most valuable source of vitamin F. It is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic) and omega-6 (linoleic, arachidonic). It is indispensable for women's and men's health.
Unique and balanced biochemical content pumpkin-seed oil:
- normalizes work of nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, genitourinary, and digestive systems
- clears the organism from carcinogens, toxins, fortifies the immunity, improves the metabolic processes, and normalizes the general endocrine profile
- improves state of skin, hair, nails, reduces the inflammations and due to regenerating, moisturizing, and nutritive features prevents the pre-mature aging
Walnut oil is 77% composed of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which serve as a natural immunostimulant, regulate metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalize intestinal motility. This oil is recommended for use during illness and the postoperative period of recovery, and it will also be useful for schoolchildren, students, the elderly and those whose work is related to intellectual activity.
contains vitamins and minerals - P, Ã??alcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron4
supports central nervous system and improves mental activity
Due to oleic acid, walnut oil improves metabolic process, inhibits formation of subcutaneous fat and releases from excess weight. The walnut oil will replace even the most expensive sunscreen. It protects the skin from adverse effect of ultraviolet radiation, tones, and protects from aging.
Cosmetology. Walnut oil contains B vitamins, vitamin C, and folic acid, which stimulates the production of coenzyme Q10. This coenzyme has a rejuvenating effect, tones the skin and slows down the aging process. Walnut oil can be used as a face and body cream. An added bonus is a light bronzing effect that gives the skin a fresh, rested look. In addition, walnut oil can be used for massage, added to hair masks, and lubricated dry skin of feet, elbows and knees.