.Trade consulting and trade
Control box for transfixes, push pull cables, construction spare parts.Consultancy for foreign business visitors to turkey
.All kinds of consultancy services for international trade
.Foreign trade consultant
.Consultancy service on metal and plastic manufacturing and trade sector for foreign companies aiming to do business in Turkey
Textile items.Consulting , agency
Plastic ball valves and check valves, multiport valves, plastic unions, under water lights for pools and fountains, transformers for uw lights, overflow gratings, skimmers, inlet nozzles, main drains, pool ladders, automatic control systems for ph and redox, olympic pool accessories, pool chemicals, pool cleaners.Project design, consulting & contracting of construction of swimming pools, filtration & disinfection systems of pools & spas fountains, swimming pool pumps, sand filter for pool made of frp
Industrial paints.Consulting about all paint applications
Indian furniture, steel products - props, fences, scaffolds, steel boards.All kind of consultancy facilities for exporters and importers
.Consultancy on international marketing
Decorative door and sandwich panel, (aluminium, u-pvc), ready door, security door, armored door and insect screens.Decorative and sandwich aluminium and u-pvc door panels to all window and door manufacturer, ready door to all retailer and consruction companies
Auger, bucket, core barrel, corebarrel, casing, twister, tremie, tremmie, tremi, rotary bored piling tools, piling, boring, rock and soil types, auger flights.Foundation drilling equipments manufacturer
Food, leather shoes, crom ore.Consulting
Bread improver, bread mix, whipping cream, cream patisserie, emulsifier, premixes, sour dough, malts, enzymes.Consulting for bakery equipment
.Consultancy and brokerage services for import of oilseeds, animal feed, crude vegoils
Silo, handling, drying, elevator, conveyor, emperature control, steel construction.Consultancy
.Consulting, mediator, supplying, marketing
Carpet shoes.Consultancy company