Riceberry Rice is the new variety of rice that has been bred in Thailand. The rice is deep purple in colour; this gorgeous dark colour is typical of plants that yield high nutrition. Rice berry rice is cross-pollination of three hardy and loved rice strains. Riceberry takes on the best attributes of each of the grains that were used in its inception. The light fluffy texture and flavour from Thai jasmine rice, high in minerals and antioxidants from Hom Nin rice and hardy and high yield characteristics of Khao Dawk Mali 105.
Frozen Durian With Seed
Yellow Egg is a very good quality culinary plum It is a reliable heavy cropper with large yellow fruits The tree is quite a hardy variety and self fertile Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Warwickshire Drooper is a dual purpose variety The tree has an attractive drooping habit The fruits are large yellow with attractive red speckling and a fine flavoured yellow juicy flesh Plums can be used for cooking or eating Self fertile Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Victoria is probably the best known of all the plums It produces heavy crops of pale red fruits with yellowgreen flesh which are sweet and juicy An excellent dessert plum that also cooks well It is self fertile and a good pollinator Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Swan is a useful dual purpose variety ripening in the middle of the plum season Produces quite round dark red skinned plums with a purple bloom The flesh is juicy and sweet good for eating as well as cooking A good versatile plum Raised by Rivers Nursery in Hertfordshire around 1900 Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Shropshire prune has medium sized blueblack damsons with a very good flavour It has been grown for hundreds of years and is perhaps the best tasting of the damsons Makes a smaller tree Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter
Sanctus Hubertus is an early dessert plum with medium sized dark red fruit a blue bloom and yellow flesh It is not self fertile and requires a pollinating partner Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter A guide to pollination groups Most plums are self fertile so do not need a pollinating partner however they will produce a better crop if a pollinating partner is available For the few varieties that do require a pollinating partner refer to the pollination group Most fruit trees need another tree in the vicinity in flower at the same time for pollination The flowering time is given a pollination group letter A E There is some flowering overlap between adjacent letters so an apple in group B can be pollinated ideally with another from the same group but can also be pollinated from the group either side in this example group A or C
Heavy cropping redpurple culinary plum once grown widely in the Vale of Evesham Medium size fruits ideal for cooking Self fertile Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Oullins Gage has large round fruit with a greenish yellow skin and similar colour flesh The fruit is juicy with good flavour and can be eaten or cooked Oullins Gage is a vigorous grower self fertile and an excellent pollinator for other plums Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Opal is a medium purplered dessert plum with good flavour The flesh is a golden colour and sweet It produces early and heavy crops of good quality fruit Self fertile Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Merryweather is a cross between a damson and a plum The round oval fruits have a deep blue skin and the flesh is green yellow juicy with a good flavour Damsons are native to the UK and are often found in hedgerows They produce a small plum like fruit but they are sharper in flavour and best used to make jams and damson gin They can be used to make a windbreak around a garden or orchard They are all self fertile Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Czar produces good crops of dark purple plums with yellow flesh It is dual purpose being a culinary variety which can be used as a dessert plum when ripe It has some frost resistance and is self fertile Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter A guide to pollination groups Most plums are self fertile so do not need a pollinating partner however they will produce a better crop if a pollinating partner is available For the few varieties that do require a pollinating partner refer to the pollination group Most fruit trees need another tree in the vicinity in flower at the same time for pollination The flowering time is given a pollination group letter A E There is some flowering overlap between adjacent letters so an apple in group B can be pollinated ideally with another from the same group but can also be pollinated from the group either side in this example group A or C PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES