Fluorescent road marking paint is a kind of coating that emits fluorescence. It is made up of acrylic resin and fluorescent materials and other additives. It can absorb light under the illumination of the light source and convert it into another light of its own color. Therefore, it looks very bright and bright, and it can be painted with various signs to play the role of nighttime indication.
New Acrylic, Vynil, Waterbase paints, White and colors, Residential and contractors grade,
Name of product
V600 Interior Acrylic Waterbase paint White and light colors
Product origin : North America
Key Specifications/Special Features :
GENERALAcrylic vinyl paint with a matte finish is characterized by developing its hiding power when dry, recommended to be applied with a brush and roller on plaster, concrete, wood and flat surfaces in general.
Minimum Order Size : Full Container Loads
DENSITY (g/ml) 1.31 +/- 0.035 a 25°C
BRIGHTNESS 10 to 20 Glitter Units at 60 °
DRYING TIMETo the touch 30 minutes, at 25 ° C (77 ° F) and 50% humidity-relative. The drying time can be increased depending on the environmental conditions and the substrate.
Quality From ISO 9000 paint manufacturer
V300 Interior Acrylic Latex Waterbase paint White and light colors
Product origin : North America
Key Specifications/Special Features :
General Acrylic vinyl paint with a matte finish is characterized by developing its hiding power when dry, recommended To be applied with a brush and roller on plaster, concrete, wood and flat surfaces in general.
Solids BY Weight (%)41% +/- 5%
Viscosity 95 a 105 KU @ 25C
Density (g/ml) 1.31 +/- 0.035 a 25C
Brightness 0 to 5 Glitter Units at 60
Drying Time To the touch 30 minutes, at 25 C (77 F) and 50% humidity-relative. The drying time can be increased depending on the environmental conditions and the substrate