The specific density (AT 20c): 0,918 - 0,920 The refractive index (AT 40c):
1.467 - 1.469 Transparency of oil, max: 10 fem Acidity mg KOH % gm oil max:
0,1 - 0,6 Peroxide value mMol/kg oil max: 0,1 - 0,7 Color value iodine, mg
max: 4 Iodine value (WIJS): 110 - 144 Moisture & Volatile % max: 0,06 The
saponification value, mg KOH/gm oil: 188 - 194 Phosphorus containing matter
(P2O5): Negative Non-fatty Impurities, % max: Negative Coloring materials,
allowed to ad:
According to the international standards artificial flavors, Allowed to ad:
According to the international standard Anti oxidants: 200mg/kg but galate
not more than 100mg/kg Preservative agent: According to the international
standards Anti foaming: 10mg/kg Anti crystallization: 1250mg/kg Soap
content: 0,005 max Unsalable impurities % mass: 0,5 max
Origin - Indonesia, Malaysia For price and specification please contact us.
Palm oil is the most traded vegetable oil in the world today. Having a naturally semi solid charcteristic at room temperature with a specific origin melting point between 36�°C to 39�°C, it does not require hydrogenation for use as a food ingredient. With a balanced ratio of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids it results in an edible oil that is suitable for use in a variety of food applications.
Soybean oil is the world's most widely used edible oil and is commonly called vegetable oil. Soybean oil is very popular because it is cheap, healthy and has a high smoke point.
Liquid soybean oil is low in saturated fat, contains no trans fat, and is high in poly- and monounsaturated fats. It's also the principal source of omega-3 fatty acids and contains no cholesterol. Soybean oil has little flavour, which is an advantage because it wonot interfere with the taste of the food.
Rapeseed and canola oil are commonly used for pan-frying and deep-frying due to a high smoke point. Rapeseed oil can be used by itself as a salad or cooking oil, or blended with other vegetable oils in the manufacture of margarine, mayonnaise, shortenings, cooking and salad oils.
RBD Corn Oil is produced from highly selected corn and is further refined to give excellent light and pure quality oil. The oil is naturally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and low in saturated fats. Corn oil is cholesterol free, light in colour and bland in taste. It reduces the risk of heart disease by reducing the bad cholesterol level in the body.
Crude Degummed Rapeseed Oil Specification Parameter Method LIMIT VALUE Density (at 150 C) DIN EN ISO 3675 900 -930 kg/m3 Flash point by P. -M DIN EN ISO 2719 Min. 220 C Cinematic viscosity (400 C) DIN EN ISO 3104 Max. 36,0 mm2/s Calorific value, lower DIN 51900 -1, -2, -3 Min. 36000 kJ/kg Cetane Number (DCN) IP 498/ DIN EN 15195 Min. 39 Carbon Residue Mass DIN EN ISO 10370 Max. 0,40 n.C. % lodine value DIN EN ISO 14111 95- 125 g Jod/1009 Sulphur content DIN EN ISO 20884 Max. 10 mg/kg Total Contamination DIN EN 12882 Max. 24 mg/kg Erucic Acid value DIN EN 14104 Max. 2,0 mg KOH/g Oxidation stability 1100 C DIN EN 14112 Min. 6,0 h Phosphorus content DIN EN 14107 Max. 12 mg/kg Saponification Value DIN EN 51559 170- 179 Unsaponification Matter USP 24 Max. 1.5 % Earth alkali content (Ca+Mg) E DIN EN 14838 Max. 20 mg/kg Oxid Ash content DIN EN ISO 6245 Max. 0,01 Water content K.-F. DIN EN ISO 12937 Max. 750 mg/kg
Product: Palm Oil; CPO/ CP6/ CP8/ CP10
CPO: Free Fatty Acid: 5.0 % max, M&I: 0.25 % max , DOBI 2.3 min
CP6: Free Fatty Acid: 0.1% max, M&I: 0.1% max, IV: 58 min, SMP: 24 max, Color 3 Red max, Cloud point 6.0oC max
CP8: Free Fatty Acid: 0.1% max, M&I 0.1% max, IV: 57 min, SMP: 24 max, Color 3 Red max, Cloud point 8.0oC max
CP10: Free Fatty Acid: 0.1% max, M&I 0.1% max, IV: 56 min, SMP: 24 max, Color 3 Red max, Cloud point 10.0oC max
Packaging: 20 foot and 40 foot Containers; in Flexi Tank, Jerry Can, PET Bottle or Tin Can Packaging.
Payment term: 30 % down payment, 70% against the shipping documents
Delivery time: 4 to 6 weeks
Inspection: SGS on buyer account.
Offer validity: 5 working days
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