SIZES: 12cm, 16cm, 18cm, 20cm
Regular colors: Black, Silver, Gold, Bronze, Baby Pink, Baby Blue, Fushia, Bordeaux, Brown
Printed: Any design or logo can be printed upon request
known to be the best thermal, fire-resisting, sound-proof insulator, used for ceiling, roofs, walls, partitions, roads, water and petroleum tanks, whether underground, or on the surface, etc.
a light-weight cellular foam concrete made of fine sand, cement, water, and a special chemical which causes air cells to spread evenly. This resulting mixture can be prepared mechanically on the spot, and to the requested density.
can be produced at several densities varying between 300 Kg. and 1400 Kg/cu.m. (between 19 lbs. and 90 lbs./cu.ft.) to which corresponds a variation of mechanical resistance, as well as thermal conductivity