Phospate fertilizer is able to increase the quality of crop yields by improving the color, aroma, taste, and size of fruit or tubers as well as spurring root growth and forming a good root system. CaSO4.2H2O Content: 90% CaO Content: 30% SO3 Content: 42% pH: 6 - 7 Form: Powder Color: Off-white to light brown Improves the physical and chemical properties of soil, including the subsoil layer. Enhances plant root development.
Niphos is a fertilizer for the vegetative phase of plants and leafy vegetables N (Nitrogen) : 20% P2O5 (Phosphate) : 20% S (Sulphur) : 13% Form : Granule Color : WHite Solubility : Soluble in water Packaging : 25kg bags
N (Nitrogen): 16% P2O5 (Phosphorus): 16% K (Potassium): 16% Advantages: Contains Nitrogen in Nitrate form Nutrients readily available for plants Balanced NPK nutrient content
Fertilizer with appropriate technology, containing 36 nutrients and minerals in it, capable of creating a process of photosynthesis independently, so that it can convert substances that are not needed by plants into substances that are needed by plants.
Macro and micro compound fertilizers are prioritized for hard stem plants, with appropriate technology able to increase the growth of leaves and fruit so that they can bear fruit continuously even out of season and because of its dense shape it is technically very suitable for fertilizing plantation areas without having to be confused about using water .
This fertilizer is the result of a mixture of rice husk and chicken manure. mixing rice husk with chicken manure obtained a ratio between 60% / 30%. This fertilizer has gone through several drying processes in order to produce premium quality fertilizer. This fertilizer is most widely used in agriculture and plantations in Indonesia. as is known Indonesia has very good soil fertility and this fertilizer is one of the secret keys to soil fertility that is utilized in our country. we hereby strive to help agriculture and plantations in other countries to improve the quality of their crops so that they can generate added value for sales. There are several forms of packaging, ranging from 25kg-30kg. Weight and packaging can be customized according to customer requests. Our shipments can use 20ft and 40ft containers depending on the number of customer requests. the length of delivery time from the warehouse to the port is 1 week, and the length of delivery on board can be determined by the distance to the destination location.
The nutrients in guano different from many manufacturers without adding chemicals. Raw materials are taken from seabird guano mines which have been fermented and processed naturally for hundreds of years. High Guano Phosphate is rich in phosphate. Excellent for producing vigorous flowers, fruits and vegetables, as well as strong and resilient root growth. Composition P2O5 = 15 - 18 % Form : Granule Granule Size : 2 - 5 mm Color : Light Brown to Dark Brown Packing : PP PE 10 Kg/ 20 Kg/ 25 Kg/ 50 Kg Jumbo Bag 1000 Kg/ 1250 Kg
The nutrients in guano different from many manufacturers without adding chemicals. Raw materials are taken from seabird guano mines which have been fermented and processed naturally for hundreds of years. High Guano Phosphate is rich in phosphate. Excellent for producing vigorous flowers, fruits and vegetables, as well as strong and resilient root growth. Composition P2O5 = 15 - 18 % Form : Granule Granule Size : 2 - 5 mm Color : Light Brown to Dark Brown Packing : PP PE 10 Kg/ 20 Kg/ 25 Kg/ 50 Kg Jumbo Bag 1000 Kg/ 1250 Kg
We are fertilizer Supplier from Indonesia. we would like to offer you our fertilizer products, Soil Improvement Fertilizers. We can provide the sample for you as well. Give it a try and let us know what you think about it. We are giving out samples and really looking forward to your interest. Our factory, located in eastern part of Indonesia offers everything you may need to improve and optimize your crop yields. Please consider visiting us to discover what we can do for you and your business.
Noesa is an organic fertilizer processed from high-tech machines with the main ingredients coming from organic sugar cake, chicken manure and enrichment ingredient with the best organic ingredients which produce the macro and micro nutrients needed by plants. Noesa Fertilizer is also an organic fertilizer with a complete formula designed as the foundation for an effective fertilization program containing high organic matter and humic acid.
To meet the potassium needs of your plants, we offer our Organic Potassium Fertilizer made from Molasses Process Waste and Empty Palm Bunches, or a mixture of both. The new concept of deriving Potash (K2O) from agro waste like molasses produces natural potash, which can even be called organic. There is no chemical contamination and we can get K2O up to 25% and 100% water soluble. It is very rich in nutrients and helps plants in obtaining all the types of nutrients they need. Then, Palm Bunch Ash, which is naturally derived from empty palm bunches. This bunch ash has long been used and recognised by planters as the best and the cheapest source of Potassium (K2O). It not only gives the basic nutrients, its high pH also neutralized the soils acidity, especially in peat areas and acidic soils with low potash. Our Potassium Fertilizer specification: - Potassium as K2O Content: 18% min (depend on request) - Moisture Content: 3 - 4% - Granule size: 3 - 5 mm Our products always go through rigorous laboratory tests so that the specs are always maintained. If you interest to our product and want to know further about price, specification and other details. Please contact� us.� Thanks!
We Produce and sell Granule Organic Solid Fertilizer, good for your plantation
Available urea for adblue. Price . monthy for 1000 tons/metrics. Please send your inquiry
ORGANIC FERTILIZER Types of bacteria found in goat feces: Nitrosococcus. This is a bacteria that has the ability to convert Ammonia into Nitrogen which can be absorbed by plants. Pseudomonas striata. This type of bacteria is very skilled at dissolving phosphate and can produce vitamins. Phytohormones as regulatory substances that are indispensable for all plants. Nitrosomonas is said to have the ability to convert ammonia into nitrogen for plants. Mycorrhiza This is a good bacteria for all types of plants. Pseudomonas fluorescens It is considered a bacterium that has the ability to prevent all plant diseases in the soil. Streptomyces This is a bacterium that has the ability to improve the soil to be more capable of various types of nutrients and also air. Tricoderma Another type of good bacteria that can prevent the spread of Fusarium around plants as an inhibitor of fungi such as Plasmodiophora brassicae.
Origin 100% from Bat Guano, pure from stones and soil. from bat cave in Indonesia N Content : minimum of 7% Available P2O5 : about 2-3% K2O : minimum 1% Moisture : about 10-16% Size : about 0-2mm; shape: powder Bat Guano Organic Fertilizer High in Nitrogen, Phosporous, and Potassium
P2O5 content : 18% Moisture content : 5-6%; size: 2-4 mm Our granulated guano is derived from stoned bat guano, which is carefully collected and contains a high percentage of phosphorus materials. This nutrient-rich composition benefits the soil food web, promoting healthy plant growth. By replacing synthetic chemical fertilizers, bat guano serves as an environmentally friendly alternative that contributes positively to the overall health of the environment.
Our Sargassum algae fertilizer enriches plants with vital nutrients and beneficial hormones, improving soil structure and promoting robust growth. It is not only beneficial for plant development but also finds wide-ranging applications in industries like cosmetics, agriculture, and biofuel production, making it a versatile and sustainable resource. Ready on original shapes and grinded form of 8 mm moisture: max 12%
Tuna bone meal is a dried and milled form of tuna bone that is specifically processed to meet the desired size requirements. This organic material is utilized as a valuable ingredient in organic fertilizers. With its nutrient-rich composition, tuna bone meal provides essential elements for plant growth and soil enrichment, making it an excellent choice for organic fertilization practices.
Dried Sardines Refused (DSR) is a high-quality organic material derived from sardines enhances soil fertility and promotes healthy plant growth. Protein 35% N content : about 6% P2O5 : about 6-7% Size : 0-10 cm
BIO ORGANIK FERTILIZER -Pupuk Bio Organik Fertilizer sangat bermanfaat bagi peningkatan produksi pertanian baik kualitas maupun kuantitas, Mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan, dan meningkatkan kualitas lahan secara berkelanjutan. - Penggunaan pupuk organik dalam jangka panjang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan dapat mencegah degradasi lahan. Lengkat akan Undur Hara yang Dibutuhkan Tanaman Dengan kandungan unsur hara makro dan mikro -Pupuk Bio Organik Fertilizer ini memiliki Unsur Hara Makro adalah Nitrogen (N >1% ), Fosfor (P = 1,21%), Kalium (K> 16%), Kalsium (Ca >14%), Magnesium (Mg >1 %), dan Sulfur (S). - Memiliki Unsur Hara Mikro (Mn, Zn, Cu, B dan Co.) yang berfungsi sebagai penyusun jaringan tumbuhan. -Sebagai katalis (perangsang). Mempengaruhi proses oksidasi dan reduksi tanaman. BACTERI YANG TERKANDUNG DALAM BIO ORGANIK FERTILIZER - Azotobacter adalah mikroba tanah aerobik yang memainkan peran penting dalam mengikat nitrogen di atmosfer, yang tidak dapat diakses tanaman, dan melepaskannya. -Bacillus Sp yang berfungsi sebaga penambat unsur Phospat, Memacu laju pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil panen, dan meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap serangan OPT. - Trichoderma, sp. agen hayati yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan penyebaran racun jamur penyebab penyakit pada tanaman seperti jamur Ganoderma, Rigidiporus lignosus, Fusarium oxysporum, Rizoctonia solani, Fusarium monilifome, Sclerotium