Agreed Gross of Calorivic Value (ADB) 5600-5700 kcal/Kg Total Moisture (AR) 36 % Inherent Moisture (ADB) 14-15 % Volatile Matter (ADB) 40 Ash Content (ADB) 5- 8 % Total Sulphur (ADB) 0,5-0,8% Grindability ( HGI) (ADB)45 Sizing 85 û 90 % mm Approx. Penalty Gross of Calorivic Value (ADB) 38% Ash Content (ADB) >8 % Total Sulphur (ADB) > 1,0 %.
I can supply steam coal from indonesia any calories Bulks only
Steam coal from Indonesia, Kalimantan & Sumatra. We can supply up to 30.000MT - 150.000MT/Mont.
Steam coal Our Qty is 300.000MT until 500.000MT per month for any Kcal. 300.000MT until 500.000MT
Sulphur below 1 %-sub bituminous coal Pure/non blended Aoi 5700 Typical specification: Total moisture: 30% Inherent moisture: 14% Ash content: 5% Volatile matter: 43% Sulphur content: 0.3% Cv adb: 5, 700 Production: 120 kton
We offers Steam Coal origin Kalimantan - Indonesia with calorie : 6300-6100kcal/kg, 5800-5600kcal/kg, 5500-5300kcal/kg, 5300-5100kcal/kg and Non Spec In Bulk
We sell coal for local and export maket.Our coal is variable usually from : adb 5, 000 kcal/kg up (specially for local market) and 7000 kcal/ kg - up (specially export market) Below is a sample of our coal product : Our price from 36 us$ - 85 us$ fob mv lc at sight 100%. If you pay cash as 50% (after site visit), 40% start loading and 10% (completion document) our price is from rp. 363000 - rp.950.000. But price is able to change without any confirmation. We can supply till 200.000 mt / month. Bulk
Australia Thermal Coal GCV5500-7250
Australia Coking coal
Coal FOB mother vessel form Indonesia
Indonesia Coal 6300-6100 FOBMV $75,GCV58-56 $55 Can supply CIF
Kcal 58-56: TM 32%, Sulphur
Coal Gvc 5300(rjct 5100): total moisture = 35, 0%, inherent moisture (adb): 20%, ash content (adb): 5%, total sulphur content (adb):
We can supply coal start from calorie 5000 until 6000 up. Metric ton
Coal Here I as direct miner. I have some mine in of coal in south kalimantan, Indonesia. Our company is one of the biggest mining company in Indonesia, that has gone more over 20 years. I have all calorie of steam coal ( 6500min ). Although I have mine, I have some several work order too on many mine in Kalimantan, so I can give u all calorie that u want. For the payment term, I was selective enough that I just receive with cash, and for l/c I just receive with 50% after check cargo and 50% revolving l/c, and skbdn ( local ). And for delivery term I just receive with fob basis, not CIF or cnf. Mining and contractor. Bulk
Coal Coal with kcal 55 - 65 Quantity 40.000 mt or more
Coal Coal kcal 53 until 63 ready stock In bulk
Steam coal Total moisture (weight %) : d3302-02 (ar)=12, 14. Proximate analysis: moisture(weight) d3173-03 (adb)=5, 46 Inherent moisture adb:10 % (rejection above 17%) Ash content: (weight %) d3174-02(adb): 15, 18 Volatile matter: (weight %) d3175-02 (adb): 37, 16 Total sulphur (weight %) d3172-02 (adb): 0.77 Fixed carbon adb (weight %): by calculation: 42, 20 Gross calorific value (kcal/kg): d5865-03 (adb):6.3 Hard grove grind ability index: astm d409-02=49 Size analysis (weight %): d-87+50 mm (adb): 7.29-2 mm (adb): 19, 43 mm Bulk
Steam coal 7000-9000, 7800-7600, 6300-6100, 5500-5300 0-50 mm