Garcinia cambogia is a herbal product derived from fruit of the Malabar tamarind tree (also called Garcinia gummi-gutta) which is native to India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Common names include Garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind). With thin skin and deep vertical lobes, the fruit of G. gummi-gutta and related species range from about the size of an orange to that of a grapefruit; G. gummi-gutta looks more like a small yellowish, greenish, or sometimes reddish pumpkin.
Chemical components of Garcinia extracts include xanthones, benzophenones, amino acids and organic acids, most importantly hydroxycitric acid (HCA) the suspected ingredient responsible for its antiinflammatory and appetite suppressant activity. Garcinia fruit is 10% to 30% HCA by weight, and extracts can contain between 20% and 60% of the tricarboxylic acid. HCA inhibits ATP citrate lyase an enzyme involved in fatty acid synthesis. The extract of HCA is available in powdered form or pill form.