Nelson Honey’s Manuka Honey with added, Propolis combines the antibacterial properties of, Manuka Honey with the antioxidant properties, that Propolis is famous for., BUTWHAT IS PROPOLIS, Bees make Propolis to seal cracks and repair other, hive damage. The resinous nature of Propolis also, makes it ideal for preventing putrefaction within, the hive, e.g. small mice or lizards that might die in, the hive can be sealed in in Propolis., Research showed that by adding Propolis to honey,, total phenolics, flavonoids, ABTS free radical and, hydroxyl radicals scavenging and antiinflammatoryactivities, increased., Antimicrobial activity of honey and Propolis, products showed synergic effects, resulting in, higher results than those of the base honeys and, Propolis extracts. Therefore, honeys enriched with, small amounts of Propolis extracts are promising,
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, Healthy mobile joints are important to keep fit and active. Nectar Ease contains our hero blend, of Manuka Honey & Bee Venomand is designed to put a spring in your step naturally., WARNING, People who suffer from allergies, particularly bee allergies should always seek medical advice, prior to use. Reduce dosage or discontinue use if side effects develop., USE, It’s important to know that one teaspoon of Nectar Ease contains less that one bee sting., However, we recommend to begin taking ¼ teaspoon per day and gradually increase dosage to, 1-2 teaspoons per day as needed.
Nelson Honey’s Manuka Honey with, Blackcurrant combines the antibacterial, properties of Manuka Honey with powerful, antioxidant properties of Blackcurrants grown, in New Zealand., BUT WHAT IS BLACKCURRANT, Blackcurrants contain high concentrations of, anthocyanins, polyphenolics, antioxidants and, other bioactives., Research shows Blackcurrants may support, healthy cardiovascular, eye, digestive system, and kidney function and may also assist with, immune responsiveness.
Manuka Honey 30+, 100+, 150+, 200+, 300+, 30+ - 250g, 500g, 1kg, Our 30+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the level, of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 30 and can, range between 30-99. We class this as our lowest grade of Manuka, honey., 100+ - 250g, 500g, Our 100+ Manuka honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 100 and, can range between 100-149. This range features as our mid-range, of Manuka honey.,, 150+ - 250g, 500g, Our 150+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 150, and can range between 150-199. This features as a high grade of, Manuka honey., 200+ - 250g, 500g,, Our 200+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 200, and can range between 200-299. This features as a premium, grade of Manuka honey., 300+ - 250g, 500g, Our 300+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 300., This grade can begin at 300 and can be much higher depending, on the area the honey is sourced. This features as our premium,
New HoneyMix with Cocoa is now available ! This is an irreplaceable snack for people who desire the best for their kids & families. Its honey is the original delicious Balparmak, with fresh hazelnut! Its cococa is an additional feast of taste for your palate!
HoneyMix with Cocoa consists of 55% of honey, 15 % of hazelnut and plenty of cocoa, served in 375 gr glass jars.
A flavour adventure! A stronger brew for the those seeking more of what makes our Manuka Honey uniquely special. Components found in very high concentrations but only in Manuka Honey, all 3Bee Manuka Honey is independently tested to provide consumers the guarantee and reassurance that the MGO is at the levels stated.
A loving spoonful of complex, bittersweet flavours with multiple health-promoting benefits. Use 3Bee Manuka Honey as a superfood sweetener; great for glazing meat, add a spoonful to drinks, drizzle it on your favourite breakfast cereal or toast, add flavour layers to cakes and biscuits sauces, pickles, marinades and salad dressings.
The honey for every occasion! Our 3Bee Manuka Honey 100+ MGO embodies the very essence of our wild, pristine Manuka forest, the flavour is rich, complex, primal. Includes all the added health-promoting benefits of active MGO.
3Bee ensures the unique MGO component found in Manuka Honey is independently tested to provide consumers the guarantee and reassurance that MGO is at the level stated.
We have a range of New Zealand Manuka Honey available in packed and bulk. Our Manuka honey has traceability and scientific proof you are purchasing the very best New Zealand Manuka honey from us. We are certified with:
- New Zealand Government Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the highest food safety and
- Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Association of New Zealand which gives customers scientific proof of grade of Manuka honey in the jar.
- New Zealand Fern Mark which guarantees our honey is a product of New Zealand and produced by a New Zealand company
- Honey meets the New Zealand Government Manuka exporting standards
Our Manuka honey has traceability and scientific proof you are purchasing the very best New Zealand Manuka honey from us. We can source packed and bulk Manuka UMF+5
We are certified with:
- New Zealand Government Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the highest food safety and traceability
- Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Association of New Zealand which gives customers scientific proof of grade of Manuka honey in the jar.
- New Zealand Fern Mark which guarantees our honey is a product of New Zealand and produced by a New Zealand company
- Honey meets the New Zealand Government Manuka exporting standards
Our Manuka honey has traceability and scientific proof you are purchasing the very best New Zealand Manuka honey from us. We can source packed and bulk Manuka UMF+10
We are certified with:
- New Zealand Government Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the highest food safety and traceability
- Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Association of New Zealand which gives customers scientific proof of grade of Manuka honey in the jar.
- New Zealand Fern Mark which guarantees our honey is a product of New Zealand and produced by a New Zealand company
- Honey meets the New Zealand Government Manuka exporting standards