Aloe Vera Jelly, a delicious and nutritious treat made from the highest quality aloe vera plants.
Known for its numerous health benefits, this jelly is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It aids in digestion, boosts the immune system, and promotes overall wellness.
Packaging Size : 50 kg
Packaging Type : Bag
Color : Brown
Type : Dried, Natural
Is It Organic : Non Organic
Is It Dried : Dried
Brand : NEERAJ
Usage/Application : food,color
Country of Origin : Made in India
Arabic Name : Shanjar, Khas al-himaarBengali Name : RatanjotEnglish Name : Alkanet, Dyer s Bugloss, Spanish BuglossFrench Name : Buglosse azur eGerman Name : Natternkopf-Lotwurz Hindi Name : Ratanjot, LaljariKashmiri Name : Yatilung, YarilungLatin name : Onosma echioides Linn.Persian Name : ShankaruPunjabi Name : Laljari, Koame, Maharanga, RatanjotSanskrit Name : Maharanga, DhamaniUrdu Name : Ratanjot
Additional Information:
Item Code: HS245
Production Capacity: 100 ton
Delivery Time: 1 Week
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Packaging Type : Bag
Grade : Medicine Grade
Color : Natural
Country of Origin : Made in India
Description :
Bhoj Patra Tree is a tree widely found in the Himalayas, well-known for the use of its bark for writing in ancient India. The tree is distinguished by its white to brownish bark.
Details :
Common Name : Bhoj Patra Tree, Himalayan Birch
Hindi Name : Bhoj patra
Tamil Name : Bhurjjamaram, Purchcham
Malayalam Name : bhujapatram, bhurjjamaram
Telugu Name : Bhujapatri
Kannada Name : bhuyapathra
Medicinal Uses / Benefits :
The bark containing betulin is reported to possess anti-fertility activity.
The bark is used in bone fracture.
Additional Information:
Item Code: H175
Pay Mode Terms: L/C (Letter of Credit),T/T (Bank Transfer)
Port of Dispatch: Jhansi
Production Capacity: Any
Delivery Time: 5 days
Packaging Details: As Per Client Requirement
Product Specification
Color ; Natural
Packaging Size : PP bag
Usage/Application ; Decoration
Packaging Type : Standard
Brand : NT
Botanical Name : Calendula Officinalis
Shelf Life : 365
Country of Origin : Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 50 Kg
Product Description
Marigold Leave
Marigold or calendula is a flower that has pale green leaves and golden orange petals.It has been used to relieve stress. The Greeks used the flowers to alleviate the symptoms of nervous tension and to prevent insomnia.
Botanical Name : Saraca Indica
Usage/Application : Medicinal
Color ; Natural
Brand : NT
Country of Origin : Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 10 Kg
Product Description
The bark is anthelmintic, antiseptic, a strong astringent, demulcent, febrifuge refrigerant, styptic, sweet, and uterine . It has been efficacious in regularising menstrual disturbances without producing any side effects. Its effect on the ovarian tissue may produce an estrogen-like activity that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding.
1.Ashoka is specially used for menorrhagia so; Ashoka is called a friend of women.
Additional Information
Item Code : 122
Delivery Time : 7-10 Days
Port Of Dispatch ; Any
Production Capacity : 1 Ton
Packaging Details : As per client Requirement
Packaging Type Bag
Grade Medicine Grade
Color Natural
Country of Origin Made in India
Description :
Bhoj Patra Tree is a tree widely found in the Himalayas, well-known for the use of its bark for writing in ancient India. The tree is distinguished by its white to brownish bark.
Details :
Common Name : Bhoj Patra Tree, Himalayan Birch
Hindi Name : Bhoj patra
Tamil Name : Bhurjjamaram, Purchcham
Malayalam Name : bhujapatram, bhurjjamaram
Telugu Name : Bhujapatri
Kannada Name : bhuyapathra
Medicinal Uses / Benefits :
The bark containing betulin is reported to possess anti-fertility activity.
The bark is used in bone fracture.
Additional Information:
Item Code: H175
Pay Mode Terms: L/C (Letter of Credit),T/T (Bank Transfer)
Port of Dispatch: Jhansi
Production Capacity: Any
Delivery Time: 5 days
Packaging Details: As Per Client Requirement
Packaging Type Bags
Packaging Size 50 Kg
Color Natural
Country of Origin Made in India
Lac (also called Laksha) is a slick serum and secretion from a scale insect species Laccifer lacca. These insects suck the sap of several plants and bushes and secrete Lac as a protective covering. Laccifer lacca looks like tiny spots on plants having no limbs and covering with slick serum. Sometimes, these insects are difficult to recognize and we can only see resin excreted by them. Lac scales are main cash crops and are cultured in Burma, India and Thailand. Lac is collected from the plants. Before using it for several purposes, it has to undergo heating and filtering processes for purification.
Additional Information:
Item Code: HS768
Production Capacity: 10 ton
Delivery Time: 1 Week
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Packaging Type Gunny bag
Packaging Size 50 Kg
Form Chhal
Brand NT
Binomial Name Berberis Aristata
Botanical Name Berberis Aristata
Description :
A small evergreen shrub grows up to the height of 3 meters. The leaves are strong with fine whorled venation, straight, but with dentate margins. Inflorescence 5 to 8 cm long, with large yellow colored flowers. The fruits are bluish purple and small.
Details :
Malayalam Name :Maramanjal
Latin Name : Berberis aristata
Nepali Name: Chutro
Arabic Name : Ameerbaarees, Barbarees (Root), Zarashk, Zirishk (Berries)
Bengali Name : Rasanjan, Darhaldi, Daruhaldi
Chinese Name : Huang lian
English Name : Indian Barberry
French Name : Epine-vinette dâ??lnde
German Name : Indischer Berberitze
Gujarati Name : Rasvanti, Daruharidra
Hindi Name : Rasaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald (Root), Zarishk (Berries)
Diabetes: The extracts of root, as well as the stem bark4 of the Indian Barberry plant have hypoglycaemic as well as anti-oxidant effects. As a result, it could be of great use in the treatment of Diabetes.
Medicinal Plant
Additional Information:
Item Code: 97
Port of Dispatch: Any
Production Capacity: 10 ton
Delivery Time: 7-10 Days
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Rs 320 / Kg
Packaging Size 50 kg
Usage/Application Farming
Grade Standard Medicine Grade
Packaging Type Jute Bag
Is It Dried Dried
Country of Origin Made in India
Chinese Name : PengEnglish Name : Climbing-Staff Tree, Intellect Tree, Black-oil TreeGujarati Name : MalkanganiHindi Name : Malkangani, Malkamni, MalkakniKannada Name : Doddaganugae, Gangunge beeja, Gangunge humpu, KangondiballiLatin name : Celastrus paniculatus Willd.Marathi Name : MalkangoniPersian Name : MalkangniPunjabi Name : MalkangoniSanskrit Name : Kanguni, Katabhi, Jyotishka, JyotishmatiUrdu Name : Malkangani
Additional Information:
Item Code: HS29
Production Capacity: 100 ton
Delivery Time: 1 Week
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Brand : NEERAJ
Form : Seed
Purity : 100%
Packaging Size : Bag
Usage : Medicinal
Packaging Type : Bag
Type : Natural
Is It Organic : Not Organic
Is It Dried : Dried
Moisture : 0%
Shelf Life : 365 Days
Country of Origin : Made in India
With our expertise and trustworthiness, we are engaged in offering an optimum quality range of Dhatura Kala,Datura include devil's trumpets, moonflowers, thorn apple, stinkweed, angel's trumpet, and Jamestown weed.The seeds of Datura are analgesic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory and as such, they are used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal pain that results from worm infestation, toothache, and fever from inflammation.
Long shelf life
Safe packaging
Highly effective
Additional Information:
Item Code: HUJUJJ
Production Capacity: 100 ton
Delivery Time: 5 Days
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Usage/Application : Foo
Color : Red
Other Necessities : Full Sun Exposure
Brand : NEERAJ
Soil Specific : Alkaline
Country of Origin : Made in India
Arabic Name : Fufal, FofalBengali Name : SupariChinese Name : Da fu pi, Bing langEnglish Name : Areca Nut, Betel NutFrench Name : Noix d�?�¢??Arec, Noix de BetelGerman Name : Arekapalme, BetelnusspalmeGujarati Name : SopadiHindi Name : Supari, Chalia (Nut)Kannada Name : AdikeKashmiri Name : SupariLatin name : Areca catechu Linn.Marathi Name : Supari (Nut), Pophal (Flower)Persian Name : Pupal (Flower), Gird-chobPunjabi Name : SupariSanskrit Name : Kramuka, Khadirah, Puga, PugiUrdu Name : Chalia, Supari (Nut), Fufal (Flower)
Additional Information:
Item Code: HS83
Production Capacity: 100 Ton
Delivery Time: 1 Week
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Brand NT
Usage/Application Puja
Size Medium
Color White
Packaging Type Box
Packaging Size Box
Country of Origin Made in India
Cowry is shiny brightly colored shell of a tropical invertebrate sea animal, which has a long central toothed opening. As per Hindu myths, Cowries Shells have close connection with Goddess Laxmi, both having been emerged from sea. Besides being used as currency in parts of Africa, South Asia, and the South Pacific, Cowries have become sign of wealth, all round affluence and love. Since ancient times, just simply the possession of properly energized Cowry Shells is considered to bring financial prosperity and all round materialistic growth.
Additional Information:
Item Code: 093
Production Capacity: 1000 kg
Delivery Time: 1 Week
Packaging Details: As per client requirement
Green Tulsi Leaves Ocimum Sanctum, Packaging Type: Poly Bag, Packaging Size: 25 Kg Bag
Product Specification
Packaging Type : Poly Bag
Color : Green
Packaging Size ; 25 Kg Bag
Is It Dried : Dried
Ageing Period : 365 days
Botanical Name ; Ocimum Sanctum
Country of Origin : Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 50 Kg
Product Description
We are manufacturer and leading supplier of Sweet basil leaves from india. basil, (Ocimum basilicum), also called sweet basil, Basilikum, tulasi or tulsi , holy basil annual herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), grown for its aromatic leaves.
Uses List -->Essential oilsOrnamentalSpices and culinary herbsTraditional/folkloreVegetable
Additional Information
Item Code : HUHU
Delivery Time : 5 Days
Production Capacity : 100 Ton
Packaging Details ; As per client requirement
Green Urtica Dioica Nettle Leaves, Grade: Medicine Grade, Packaging Size: 25 Kg Box
Product Specification
Grade : Medicine Grade
Packaging Size : 25 Kg Box
Color : Green
Packaging Type : Standard
Is It Dried : Dried
Plant Part : Dried leaves
Is It Organic : Non Organic
Shelf Life : 6 month
Product Type : dried Leaf
Storage : Bags
Usage/Application : medicinal
Brand : NEERAJ
Country of Origin : Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 100 Kilogram
Product Description
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica and the closely related Urtica urens) has a long medicinal history. In medieval Europe, it was used as a diuretic (to rid the body of excess water) and to treat joint pain.Stinging nettle has fine hairs on the leaves and stems that contain irritating chemicals, which are released when the plant comes in contact with the skin. The hairs, or spines, of the stinging nettle are normally very painful to the touch. When they come into contact with a painful area of the body, however, they can actually decrease the original pain. Scientists think nettle does this by reducing levels of inflammatory chemicals in the body, and by interfering with the way the body transmits pain signals.
Additional Information
Item Code : HU01
Delivery Time ; 3-7 Working days
Production Capacity : 100 ton PM
Packaging Details : As per client requirement
Product Specification
Packaging Size PP bag
Packaging Type Bag
Color Brown
Is It Dried Dried
Is It Organic Non Organic
Brand T
Ash Content 1%
Scientific Name Anacyclus Pyrethrum
Shelf Life 365 Days
Part Used Root
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
Anacyclus pyrethrum, the pellitory, Spanish chamomile, Mount Atlas daisy, or Akarkara, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae.Akarkara or Akallaka is a perennial herb that grows in the Himalayan region. The roots of this plant are slightly aromatic and have a pungent taste. Akarkara is generally used to manage pain and inflammation related to arthritis due to its antioxidant property.The root is widely used in Moroccan traditional medicine to treat rheumatism, sciatica, colds, neuralgia, and paralysis
Additional Information
Item Code HJHHj
Delivery Time 5 Days
Production Capacity 10 ton
Packaging Details As per client requirement
Brown Rudravanti Cresa Cretica, Packaging Type: Bag
Price - INR 210/ Kg
Product Specification
Packaging Type Bag
Color Brown
Other Necessities Full Sun Exposure
Is It Dried Dried
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
Description :
Rudravanti is a shrubby, diffuse herb, a few cm to 30 cm high, arising from a woody perennial root-stock. It is commonly found in India along sandy sea shores. Numerous stalkless leaves are very small, ovate, acute tipped, hairy or ashy-velvety.
Details :
Botanical name Name : Cressa cretica
Common Name : Rudravanti, Littoral bind weed
Hindi Name : rudravanti
Marathi Name : lona, rudravanti
Tamil Name : uppucanaka
Malayalam Name : azhukanni
Medicinal Uses / Benefits :
The plant has a sour unpleasant taste and is used as an alterative, stomachic, tonic and .
Additional Information
Item Code H172
Delivery Time 5 days
Port Of Dispatch jhansi
Production Capacity any
Packaging Details As Per Client Requirement
Jatamansi Nardostachys Jatamansi, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: Jute Bag
Product Specification
Packaging Size Jute Bag
Packaging Type Packet
Form Root
Botanical Name Nardostachys jatamansi
Part Used Root
Scientific Name Nardostachys jatamansi
Shelf Life 365
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
Arabic Name : Sunbul, Sunbul al-teeb, Sunbul Hindee, Sunbul al-asaafeer, NardeenBengali Name : JatamamsiChinese Name : Gan songEnglish Name : Musk Root, Indian SpikenardFrench Name : Nard IndienGerman Name : Achte Narde, Moschuswurzel, SumbulwurzelGujarati Name : Baalchad, Kalichad, JatamasiHindi Name : Balcharr, Charr, JatamashiKannada Name : Bhootajata, Ganagila masteKashmiri Name : Bhut-jaat, BhutijattLatin name : Nardostachys jatamansi DC.Marathi Name : JatamansiPersian Name : Sumbul Hindi, Narde Hindi, ReshahwalaPunjabi Name : Balchhar, ChharguddiSanskrit Name : Jatamansi, Mansi, Jata, JatilaUrdu Name : Balcharr, Sumbul-ut-tee
Additional Information
Item Code H015
Delivery Time 3-5 Days
Port Of Dispatch Delhi
Packaging Details as per client requirement
Payment Terms L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)/D/A
Product Specification
Dried Yes
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kilogram
Product Description
We are leading supplier and manufacturer of Sambhalu patta.
Details :
Commonly known as Name : Indian privet, Indian wild pepper, simple-leaf chaste tree, three-leaved chaste treeGujarati Name : nagodHindi Name : sambhaluKannada Name : nirugundi, nirulakkiMalayalam Name : karinocchiManipuri Name : urikshibi