Product Name: Anti-Diabetes and Cholesterol HS Code: 30049065 Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm) Packaging: Pouch Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g) Flavour: Plain This tea contains: Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana); Teh (Camellia Sinensis); Daun sirsak (Annona Muricata) Herbal tea containing these herbs have various health benefits. This includes reducing inflammation, improving skin health, and treating various diseases thanks to the content of active compounds such as xanthones from mangosteen skin and acetogenins from soursop leaves which are known to be beneficial for health. Teh Herbal yang mengandung ramuan ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang beragam. Ini termasuk mengurangi peradangan, meningkatkan kesehatan kulit, serta mengobati berbagai penyakit berkat kandungan senyawa aktif seperti xanthone dari kulit manggis dan acetogenin dari daun sirsak yang diketahui bermanfaat untuk kesehatan.
Product Name: Slimming Tea HS Code: 30049065 Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm) Packaging: Pouch Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g) Flavour: Plain This tea contains: Daun Jati cina (Senna Alexandrina); Teh (Camellia Sinensis); Jahe (Zingiber Officinale) Slimming tea containing the concoction has health benefits that include fat burning, weight loss, improving mood, and preventing diseases such as type 2 diabetes. In addition, Camellia sinensis is also known to prevent various types of cancer and improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Teh penurun berat badan ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang meliputi pembakaran lemak, penurunan berat badan, peningkatan suasana hati, dan mencegah penyakit seperti diabetes tipe 2. Selain itu, Camellia sinensis juga diketahui dapat mencegah berbagai jenis kanker dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dengan menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol
MWBL-6001 Type : Relax Herbal Tea This tea is infused with peppermint line tree flowers, lavender and rosehip which are famous for their claming properties. This inclusion of lavener in the ingredients not only clams the senses but also provides additional health properties. This beverage will relieve you after stressful jobs which can be enjoyed any time of the day.
MWBL-6003 Type : Diabetes Tea This tea is infused with green tea, cinnamon, bitter gourd, fennel, licorice, rosehip and marigold which researchers believe that they are better able to metabolize sugar.
MHBL-7000 Type : Hibiscus with rosehip Producing a dazzling cup of freshness and vitality this flavorful and aromatic contrast of herbs are world-renowned for its health properties in bringing relief.
MHBL-7002 Type : Peppermint This radiant herbal blend conceals countless health and wellbeing properties and is used to treat gastric disorders and control tuberculosis. A remarkable creation that induses a strong mint flavor. An enchanting cup of magical possibilities.
MHBL-7002 Type : Peppermint This radiant herbal blend conceals countless health and wellbeing properties and is used to treat gastric disorders and control tuberculosis. A remarkable creation that induses a strong mint flavor. An enchanting cup of magical possibilities.
MHBL-7003 Type : Chamomile An exquisite infusion bursting with a light and refreshing aroma, research reveals that this herbal beverage is consumed more than one million cups per day. Renowned for its curative and preventive properties in conditions such as hay fever, muscle spasms and insomnia chamomile is now popularly used in cosmetics and aroma therapy around the world.
This tea is infused with Peppermint, Lime tree flowers, Lavender and Rosehip which are famous for their calming properties. The inclusion of lavender in the ingredients not only calms the senses but also provides additional health properties. This beverage will relieve you after stressful jobs, which canbe enjoyed any time of the day
Herbal Tea bag - Chamomile
Herbal Tea 5gr Traditional Flavor
Herbal Tea 5gr Ginger Flavor
Midin Botanical Tea With Peppermint (2.0g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Peppermint 50 sachets/teabags in DRUM ($30.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (6.3 kcal/26.5kJ) per 2.0g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.3 per 2.0g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.2 per 2.0g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.03 per 2.0g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.06 per 2.0g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.0g
Midin Botanical Tea With Peppermint (2.0g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Peppermint 15 Sachets/teabags in Ziplock Bag ($10.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (6.3 kcal/26.5kJ) per 2.0g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.3 per 2.0g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.2 per 2.0g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.03 per 2.0g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.06 per 2.0g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.0g
Midin Botanical Tea With Ginger (2.0g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Ginger 50 sachets/teabags in Drum ($30.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (6.3 kcal/26.5kJ) per 2.0g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.3 per 2.0g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.2 per 2.0g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.03 per 2.0g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.06 per 2.0g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.0g
Midin Botanical Tea With Ginger (2.0g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Ginger 15 sachets/teabags in Ziplock Bag ($10.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (6.3 kcal/26.5kJ) per 2.0g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.3 per 2.0g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.2 per 2.0g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.03 per 2.0g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.06 per 2.0g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.0g
Midin Botanical Tea With Chamomile (2.0g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Chamomile 50 sachets/teabags in Drum ($30.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (6.3 kcal/26.5kJ) per 2.0g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.3 per 2.0g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.2 per 2.0g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.03 per 2.0g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.06 per 2.0g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.0g
Midin Botanical Tea With Chamomile (2.0g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Chamomile 15 sachets/teabags in Ziplock Bag ($10.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (6.3 kcal/26.5kJ) per 2.0g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.3 per 2.0g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.2 per 2.0g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.03 per 2.0g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.06 per 2.0g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.0g
Midin Botanical Midin Botanical Tea With Lemongrass (2.5g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Lemongrass 50 sachets/teabags in Drum ($30.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (8.0 kcal/33.2 kJ) per 2.5g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.6 per 2.5g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.5g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.04 per 2.5g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.07 per 2.5g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.4 per 2.5g
Midin Botanical Midin Botanical Tea With Lemongrass (2.5g per sachet) Ingredients: Midin (Stenochlaena Palustris), Lemongrass 15 Sachets/teabags In Ziplock Bag ($10.00) Average composition: Energy : (317 kcal/1327kJ) per 100g / (8.0 kcal/33.2 kJ) per 2.5g Carbohydrate (g) : 63.2 per 100g / 1.6 per 2.5g Protein (g) : 12.4 per 100g / 0.3 per 2.5g Total Fat (g) : 1.6 per 100g / 0.04 per 2.5g Total Sugars (g) : 2.9 per 100g / 0.07 per 2.5g Sodium (g) : 17 per 100g / 0.4 per 2.5g