Our company is also focused on selling flowers and cut flowers which are mostly used on many wedding and other occasions. some of the flowers which we export are Sunflower, Rose, Stephanotis, Gerbera Daisy, Gardenia, calla lily Etc and personalized garland's Please view our website Tennysonexports for further information on our products.
Aleli or Summer flowers are very beautiful complements for any array of flowers decorations! Our farm is located at 2.430 MASL in the small town of Guaytacama, close to the world famous Cotopaxi volcano which provides with a nutrient rich volcanic soil that gives nurture and beauty to our product. Our flower´s spike length is 14 to 18 cm max and they come in Purple, Ruby, Light Pink, Pink, Lavender, Radish, Apricot, White and Fuchsia. Non the less, we can accommodate a batch of a custom color if the order is placed 4 months prior. The volume of daily production is 180 to 240 bunches per day, being each bunch 10 flowers each. Finally, the packaging is in ¨tobaccos¨ of 15 to 20 bunches ( as specified by client ) or a Quarter Box ( QB ) of 10 to 12 bunches ( as specified by client ). All orders must be placed a week in advance and are delivered by air on the date required.
Marigold Marigold is a common name for several plants in the Asteraceae family cultivated as ornamentals for their large, generally orange blossoms. Benefits and uses: One of the health benefits of marigolds is that it is used in the treatment of minor burns when used in the form of ointments or a tincture. It is rich source of flavonoids and vitamin C & has no fat content. On account of the anti-inflammatory properties of marigold it is also used in the treatment of allergic reactions, eczema and bruising.
otanical name: Matricaria Chamomilla Chamomile or camomile is a common name for several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae. These plants are best known for their ability to be made into an infusion which is commonly used to help with sleep and is often served with honey or lemon, or both. Benefits and uses: Major chemical compounds present within chamomile include apigenin and alpha-bisabolol. Apigenin has demonstrated strong chemopreventive effects, while alpha-bisabolol has been shown to have antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and has also been demonstrated to reduce pepsin secretion without altering secretion of stomach acid.
Botanical name: Rosa damascus A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. Benefits and uses: The majority of roses are used to decorate gardens as well as for various ornamental purposes owing to their aesthetic grandeur and breath taking visual appeal. Roses have diuretic effects as they contain Vitamin C, pectin, malic and citric acids bearing the quality of both an aphrodisiac and an antidote to warfare drunkenness. Its effect in medicinal science proves that it clears toxins and heat from the body resulting in the cooling effect on the body.
Species SpecificationsFOB Price in USD Barbotos leaf1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Carnation1 stem0.2 Craspedia1 bundle (10 stems)2.6 Dianthus1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Lisianthus / Eustoma1 bundle (10 stems)3.4 Hydrangea1 stem2.9 Hypericum / Jequirity1 bundle (5 stems)2.9 Dusty miller1 bundle (10 stems)2.6 Lily 2/3 buds1 stem0.8 Lily multiple buds1 stem1.1 Latifolium / Limonium1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Limonium/ Statice 1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Ranunculus1 bundle (10 stems)3.7 Rose (all kinds, Grade A)1 pack (10 stems)2.9 Sunflower / Helianthus1 stem0.8 Wax Flowers1 stem0.8 Multi-buds rose1 bundle (6 stems)3.7 Strelitzia1 stem1.5 Amaranthus seeds1 stem0.6 Asparagus cochinchinensis1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Chrysanthemum (white / yellow)1 stem0.3 Dianthus Chinensis / Barbatus1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Gerbera1 bundle (20 stems)1.5 Ivy1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Mini Chrysanthemum1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Moby Dick1 bundle ( 3 pieces)4.4 Monstera1 bundle ( 10 pieces)2.2 Parvi eucalyptus/ Eucalyptus1 bundle4.4 Salix argyracea 1 stem0.3 Dragon willow / Salix1 stem0.8 Gladiolus1 bundle (20 stems)5.8 Kale/Brassica (white/purple)Each1.1 Goldenrod1 bundle (10 stems)1.1 Tulip1 bundle (10 stems)5.8
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 0.8 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 stem Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.9 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 bundle (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 0.6 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 stem Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.9 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 bundle (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.7 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 bundle (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 0.8 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 stem Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.9 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 pack (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 5.8 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 bundle (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.9 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 pack (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.9 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 pack (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 0.2 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 stem Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 2.9 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 pack (10 stems) Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 0.6 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 stem Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Price of product (FOB price in USD) : 0.3 Product origin : China Specifications : 1 stem Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost