sandalwood logs and chips are available fore shipment, sandalwood trees are matured , all, trees are above the age grout of 25 years old
Grade a above 15cm in diameter Grade b 10-15cm in diameter Grade c 5cm -10cm in diameter 1metric ton consist of 30% grade a , 40% grade b and 30% of grade c.
Sandalwood is very rare and very highly priced used by ancient cultures for ornaments etc. Sizes to request and shipped by sea conatiners.
The height of the evergreen tree is between 4 and 9 metres. They may live to one hundred years of age. Sandalwood oil has been widely used in folk medicine for treatment of common colds, bronchitis, skin disorders, heart ailments, general weakness, fever, infection of the urinary tract, inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, liver and gallbladder complaints and other maladies. Recently, the in vivo anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant potentials of ;-santalol and sandalwood oil were demonstrated in Swiss Albino mice. Additionally, different in vitro and in vivo parts of the plant have been shown to possess antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, possibly attributed to sesquiterpenoids, shikimic acid, etc. 3 Inch Diameter up to 8 inch diameter