Kodak 8000c Digital OPG Year:2011 Panoramic and Cephalometric System
GE Innova 3100 Cathlab Year:10/2004 Tube year:2004 Cardio Vascular Detector:04/2017
Siemens Axiom Cathlab model:Artis dFC Year:12/2005 Tube year: 2013
Toshiba Infinix Biplane Cathlab Year:2008 Detector size: 20CM First Tube year:2012 Second Tube year:2012 Excellent Condition
Philips FD 10 Cathlab Year:2004 Tube Model &year: MRC2000508 , 2013 Software: Rev 1.3
Philips DS Allura Xper FD10 Mono Plane Cathlab YOM : 2008, refurbished in Nov., 2010 and installed in March, 2011 Release 7.2.16 58030 Load Unit on 25th May, 2020
Philips Pulsera 9" II Cardiac/Vascular C-ARM with 2009 TUBE with Flat Screen monitors C-ARM DOM: 2005. Dual Monitors Flat Screen ,4"/6"/9"" Tri-Mode Image Intensifier, CCD Camera, Rotating Anode Power, Orthopedic Package, Surgical package, Vascular with 30 FPS, Cardiac Package, Head, Spine, Thorax, 1000 Image Storage, Digital Window, Edge Enhancement, Zoom, SmartMask, DICOM.
Siemens Espree 1.5T Year: 2010 18 Channels Gradient strength & Model : 33/170-DZ engine Compressor Model/year : 2009/ Sumitomo F70 Compressor running hours: 107.483 Coils: Flex large, Flex small, Hand wrist coil, Neck coil, HR knee, Body matrix, Interface, Endoretal, Foot and ankle. Head coil, Shoulder array large, Shoulder array small
Siemens Avanto 1.5T MRI Year: 2006 Software Version: syngo MR B19 Gradient: Q Engine Channels: 18 Coils: Large Shoulder Array, Small LP Loop, Small CP Flex, Large CP Flex , Peripheral Angio Matrix, Head Matrix, Neck Matrix, Body Matrix, Spine Matrix CP Extremity MR Coil , Small Shoulder Array,
Toshiba Vantage Titan 1.5T Year: 2010 16 Channel Gradient strength: 30 Gradient Model: M-Power Compressor Year: 2019 (Sumitomo F70L) Coils: ***Head, Body, Shoulder, Knee/foot, Neck, Wrist, Spine, 70 flex, 150 flex, Rectangular flex** Software version console: 2.31 R006
Philips Ingenia 3T MRI Year: 2014 Gradient Model: Omega/HP Magnet Model: WA RF Amplifier: C787 Coils: T/R Knee 16, dS Foot/Ankle 8ch, Small Extr 8ch, dS Head/Neck, dS Head, dS Anterior, Shoulder, dS Breast 16chdS Wrist 8ch, dS Anterior, dS Base, Dstream Interface, Console: Z420 Software version console: R5.3
Hitachi Airis Vento LT MRI Year: 2012 Coils: Body Coil L, Body Coil M, Joint Coil L, Joint Coil M, Head Coil, Knee Coil Available: Next month
GE HDxt 1.5T MRI Upgraded to 23x in 2014 Location: Australia (EX3120) Software Version: 23x No of RX Channels: 8 Coils: 8CH Brain, 9CH Knee, 8Ch NV Array, 8Ch Cardiac, 8 Ch Body, 8Ch Shoulder, 8CH CTL, HR Wrist
HITACHI AIRIS Elite 0.3T Year: 2007 Coils - MR-QHC-101 (Head Coil) - MR-QKC-101 (Knee Coil) - MR-JCR-102 (Joint Coil M) - MR-CSC-101 (Head/Neck Vascular Coil) - MR-QFC-102N (Body Coil M) Software version: V5.1H
GE Signa Explorer 1.5T Year: 2016 Available: June 2023 Field strength: 1.5T Coils: 1,5T split head coil assembly,HD HEAD NECK ARRAY, HD HEAD NECK AND SPINE ARRAY (support) ,9E ANTERIOR ARRAY (Body), HD 8CH WRIST ARRAY,1,5T HD PHASED ARRAY SHOULDER,GEM FLEX COIL 16-M ,GEM FLEX COIL 16-L,DUAL ARRAY ADAPTOR , 1,5T HD BREAST ARRAY Software version console: SV25.2_2127
TOSHIBA Vantage 1.5T with Oxford Magnet Year: 2003 Quench From P2 to P3 Updated Coils: Shoulder Array Coil GP Flex Coil Breast Coil QD Coil for Knee QD Head/ NV Speeder QD Torso Speeder QD CTL Spine Array Coil
Hitachi Airis Mate 0.2 T MRI Year: 2005 SV: V4.5U Coils: Body/ Round coil/ Wrist/ Knee/ Head
*Siemens Magnetom C (c2 type )* Yom: 2011 Coils: Extremity L, Extremity S, Head array, Neck L, Neck M, Shoulder
Philips Ingenia CX 1.5T Power MRI system Original MOD: 2005 (Intera Pulsar) Software version: R5.4 Upgraded from Achieva to dstream in 2018yr Working in Japan
Toshiba Vantage Elan 1.5T Year:2017 16 Channel Gradient strength & Model: 33/125 /DX Magnet Year& Model: 2017/MSM-TC-150AM-F Compressor Year& Model: 2016/F-70 Compressor running hours: 53312h Cold head model& year: RDK-408D3/2015 Coils: BODY, Octave Head, Breast, Spine16ch Flex, 16ch Flex Large, Software version console: V4.0-SP1053