The OEM number of our ABS sensor for Korean and Japanese car are 57450S84A52, 57450SDAA01, 57450SDAA02, 57455S84A52, 57455SDAA01, 57455SDAA02, 9561026000, 9561026010, 9562026000, 9562026010, 9563026000, 9564026000, 9567029000, 9567029002, 9567029500, 9567034502, 9567038100, 9567038600, 9567125000, 9567125300, 9567437700, 9567529500, 9567534502, 9567537700, 9568029500, 9568034501, 9568037600, 9568038000, 9568038100, 9568038500, 9568038600, 9568039000, 9568039100, 9568125000, 9568125100, 9568529000, 9568529001, 9568529500, 9568537600, 956702E300, 956802E300, 598103K000, 598303K000, 599103K000, 599303K000, 956204A350, 956204A355, 956254A425, 956702E310, 956702F100, 956802D000, 956802D100, 956802E310, 95680C0500, 95680C0600, 9567038000, 956702D050, 956702D150, 956702F000, 956703C100, 956802D050, 956802D150, 46041308AA, 56041308AA, 56041316AB, 56041316AC, 56041317AB, 56041317AC, 56041509AA, 7788085000,, 9568038000, 9568038600, 9568039000, 956703C000, 956803C600, 956803C601, 95680C0500, 5811313, 58113130, B25D4370XE, B25D4370XF, B25D4370XG, B25D4371YB, B25D4372YB, B25D4373XE, B25D4373XF, B25D4373XG, C1004370X, C1004371Y, C1004372Y, C1004373Y, GJ6A4370XG, GJ6A4371YA, GJ6A4371YB, GJ6A4371YC, GJ6A4372YA, GJ6A4372YB, GJ6A4372YC, GJ6A4373XG, 47901OL700, 479100L700, 479105E910, 47910OL700, 479115E910, 47911OM030, 8954204020, 8954207010, 8954233010, 8954307010, 8954333010, 8954360050, 8954412010, 8954448010, 8964260050, 8954532030, 8954533020, 8954632030, 8954633010, 8954633020 Export package, no mark. Or according to customer's requirement.
The OEM number of our MAP sensor for European car are 5992408, 7696064, 7750716, 46468682, 46531222, 46811235, 55206796, 55206797, 60811534, 60811534, 60814507, 73503657, GW10018211, 377906051, 036906051F, 3A0906051, 0041532028, 0281002456, 0872648, 0872679, 2244674, 2246977, 7787142, 12140872679, 13327785354, 13617787142, 13622244674, 13622246977, 163639, 163661, 594607, 594609, 96107893, 19203L, 19204S, 1920AN, 1920FC, 457403, 457405, 467680, 96092693, 96099923, 96182615, 96195593, 96317166, 96318136, 96354934, 96365830, 96393814, 96394188, 96394189, 96394190, 96394191, 9609269380, 9609992380, 9613102380, 9619114980, 9631716680, 9635493480, 9636583080, 9639027480, 9639381480, 9639418980, 9639419180, 9639469280, 1563J4, 19200E, 19201K, 19207T, 19209H, 1920AC, 1920AJ, 1920AN, 1920CZ, 1920J7, 1920K8, 1920KN, 1920P2, 1920X0, MD178243, 5992408, 7633005, 7696064, 7714662, 46433053, 46433053, 46433054, 46451792, 46468682, 46468682, 46531222, 46553045, 46811235, 55206796, 55206797, 60809804, 60811067, 60814507, 71714218, 71718678, 71728656, 71732447, 71739292, 71739292, 73503657, 77364869, 0261230043, 500309838, 504088431, 504245257, 9609992380, 9618261580, 9619114980, 9631716680, 9631813680, 9631813680, 9639418880, 9639418880, 9639418980, 9639469280, 5992408, 7696064, 46433054, 46769978, 71732447, 77364869, ERR3561, MHK100820L, MHK101060L, WKW000060, 8946120010, A116E6066F, 806001563801, TPRT04, 41533128, 0041533128, 0041533228, 0041533328, 0051535028, 51537228, 61531428, 0115420717, 281002244, A0041531828, 12140872648, 12140872679, 7700106644, 7700267701, 163639, 163661, 504245275, 9639418880, 19201K, 1920AN, 594607, 594609, 19204S, 1920FC, 5234024AB, 0041533228, 0051535028, 281002593, 2010437653, 5010437653, 5010450894, 7700106644, 7700106886, 7700111957, 7700267701, 7700267701, 7700706876, 8200105165, 8200121800, 8200155613, 8200225971, 8200719629, 8933000153, 9618261580, 9631813680, 9631813680, 9635493480, 9639418880, 9639418880, 9639418980, 04-05-161DT9, MHK100410, MHK100590, MHK100590, MHK101040, 5167895, 5341409, 7538697, 9132374, 9197948, 12788793, 16172899, 24459853, 55560162, 55563262, 73503675, 93171176, 1537803A, 5167895, 0798803310, 22627AA060, 874241, 1275170, 1275342, 1336384, 1336384, 1336384, 1378162, 3411400, 8627466, 8670292, 8699449, 9125462, 9202701, 9470007, 9486209, 20524936, 30889795, 31216185 Export package, no mark. Or according to customer's requirement.
The OEM number of our MAP sensor for American car are 9359409, 12569240, 16006832, 16006832, 16006834, 16006834, 16006835, 16009886, 16017460, 16038012, 16054920, 16054920, 16137039, 16187556, 16201609, 16212460, 16249939, 8161370390, 8953000710, 8953000710, 16151999, 16187556, 16238399, 1008070TAR, 93171659, 9350899, 9373269, 16040609, 16231423, 16232443, 16240009, 16254719, 30015905, 91174524, 94856830, 8162124600, 8942006040, 1859072F21, 37830PK2003, 4318114, 4318115, 4318115, 4638194, 4638256, 4671276, 4864572, 5227151, 5227152, 5227351, 5227491, 5227910, 5269565, 5269565, 16196060, 16238399, 4686684AA, 4896003AA, 4896131AB, 5033224AA, 5293985AA, 5293985AA, 4606130, 4700015, 4864572, 5227910, 5233920, 5234953, 5234973, 56026770, 56029405, 56041018, 4896131AA, 5293985AA, 56041018AB, 1041355, 1041954, 1041954, 1087424, 1110963, 1111222, 1113276, 1127268, 1127268, 1136735, 1139330, 1141598, 1144420, 1144809, 1231463, 1256481, 1448387, 1468879, 1638311, 1648138, 1648138, 1652345, 4138350, 6582335, 6742049, 1C1A9F479AA, 1C1Y9F479AA, 1M5F9S428AB, 1S4A9F479BA, 2C4612A697AA, 6M349J433AA, 92VB9F479AA, 97VB9F479BA, 98AB9F479BA, 98AB9F479BA, 98AB9S428AB, 98AB9S428AB, 99VW9E928AA, 99VW9E928AB, E3TF9F479AA, E3TF9F479BA, E3TZ9F479A, E3ZF12A644A1A, E3ZF12A644A2A, E3ZF12A644B1A, E43F9F479A1A, E43F9F479A2A, E43F9F479B1A, E43F9F479B2A, E43Z9F479A, E43Z9F479B, E4OZ9F479B, E4ZF12A644AA, E57F9F479A1A, E57F9F479A2A, E5FZ9F479A, E5SF9F479A1A, E5SZ9F479A, E67F9F479A1A, E67F9F479A2A, E6EF12A644A1A, E6EF12A644A2A, E6EF12A644AA, E6EF9F479A1A, E6EF9F479A2A, E6EF9F479A2A, E6FZ9F479A, E6PF9F479A1A, E6PF9F479AA, E6TZ9F479A, E7DF9F479A1A, E7DF9F479A2A, E7DZ9F479A, E7EE12A644A1A, E7EE12A644A2A, E7EE9F479A1A, E7EE9F479A2A, E7EF12A644A1A, E7EF12A644A27, E7EF12A644A2A, E7EF9F479A1A, E7EF9F479A27, E7EF9F479A2A, E7EF9F479AA, E7EFAA, E7FZ12A644A, E7FZ12A644A4A, E7FZ9F479A, E7FZ9F479A4A, E8BF12A644AA, E8BZ12A644A, E8EF12A644AA, E8FZ12A644A, F32Z9F479A, F4TF9S480AA, F4TZ9F479A, F8UZ9F479BA, F8UZ9F479BA, F8YZ9F479AA, F8YZ9F479CA, V92AB9F479AA, V97GB9F479AB, XS4Z9C052AA, XS6F9F479AA, XS6F9F479AB, YS6A9F479AA, E8FZ12A644A, 851365, 1211230, 1211230, 1211230, 1238572, 1238572, 1238786, 1238786, 1620537, 1620537, 4500031, 4500031, 6235695, 6235695, 6238166, 9109593, 9117763, 9160331, 9160331, 9160331, 12569240, 12569241, 12569241, 12569241, 12788793, 16006834, 16006834, 16006834, 16009886, 16009886, 16038012, 16038012, 16040609, 16040609, 16040609, 16153989, 16172899, 16212460, 16212460, 16235939, 16255839, 16258659, 16258659, 24420761, 55563262, 90063543, 90063543, 90467558, 90499610, 90541409, 91167213, 93160018, 93160018, 93170309, 93171176, 93177414, 93190052, 93194115, 93198487, 93232415, 97180655, 815701, 851365, 1211230, 1211230, 1211230, 1235258, 1238244, 1238572, 1238572, 1238786, 1238786, 1238788, 4401593, 4409668, 4409668, 4410279, 4435200, 4500031, 4500031, 4709264, 6235631, 6235635, 6235695, 6235695, 6238084, 6238120, 6238120, 6238159, 6238159, 6238166, 6238210, 6238222, 6238332, 6238391, 6238412, 6238927, 9117763, 12569240, 16017460, 16137039, 90467558, 90499610, 90541409, 93170309, 93259413, 504088431 Export package, no mark. Or according to customer's requirement.
Light sensitive switch is a device that is used for automatically switching on and off the street lights garden lighting, passage lighting and doorway lighting etc in accordance with the natural lighting level. The lights connected to the light sensitive switch are turned on automatically in evening when the natural light falls below 15 lux. And lights are switched off in the morning automatically when the light level reaches above 20 lux. Eliminates the need of human operation for switching on and off any external light connected with this system. Saves energy saves electricity , no need to manually switching on and off the light, easy to install and durable. Applications: roadway lighting , building perimeter lighting , outdoor advertising signs , parking lot lighting, garden lighting passage lighting and doorway lighting etc.
MCC-X2 Cantilever, low contour ,excellent natural linear , anti-side ability, the unique shape allows easily installation and widely utilizes in electronic scales. Specification: Range:00, 150, 200, 300, 500, 800 kg 1, 1.5 t Supply voltage:10V or 12V,15V,24V (DC) Output signal:1.5mV/V or 0~5V,1~5V,0~10V, 0~10mA,0~20mV, 4~20mA Non-linearity:0.05-0.1 % F¡¤S Hysteresis:0.05-0.1 % F¡¤S Non-repeatability :.05-0.1 % F¡¤S Temperature drift :.003 F¡¤S/¡æ Zero output :2 % F¡¤S Operating temperature :20~80 ¡æ Overload 150% :¡¤S. Standard export package.
MCC-F load cell uses the beam structure ,the high accuracy, low contour, sealed , stable performance; has strongly anti-torsion, anti-side ability, is suitable in electronic weighing apparatus and so on for automobile scale, track scale, platform scale, bunker scale, crane, and compression testing machine. Specification: Range: 0.3,0.5,1,2,3,5,10,20,3050,100 t Supply voltage :10V or 12V,15V,24V (DC) Output signal :1.5mV/V or 0~5V,1~5V,0~10V, 0~10mA,0~20mV, 4~20mA Non-linearity: 0.03-0.1 % F¡¤S Hysteresis :0.03-0.1 % F¡¤S Non-repeatability :0.03-0.1 % F¡¤S Temperature drift: 0.003 F¡¤S/¡æ Zero output: ¡Ü2 % F¡¤S Operating temperature :-20~80 ¡æ Overload :150% F¡¤S. Standard export package.
Elevator light curtain Centre-opening type Model: SFT-620 Number of diodes: 17 Maximum beams(distance>400m): 96 beams Size: 9mm(thickness)*24.5mm(width)*2000mm(height). One cylinder tube includes: 1 pc power supply control unit /2 pcs cables /1 pc transmitter / 1 pc receiver /1 pc use manual / 1 set mounting accessories. Each set packed in a cylinder tube and 100 sets to a wooden case.
ARN-TS2D is a MEMS based single/dual axis inclinometer module that boasts a low price tag. It is most appropriate for mechanical industry, transportation, heavy vehicle, construction and survey applications. This device returns highly accurate angular data in static conditions and can be a part of lab instrumentation, platform stabilization equipment and oem alignment measuring instruments. Single axis module returns roll and dual axis returns roll and pitch information. 1. Measurement range: 60deg (Pitch), 180deg (Roll) 2. Accuracy in static conditions: 0.1 degrees 3. Size: < 78 mm x 56 mm x 36 mm 4. Weight: < 200 grams. 5. Output rate: 1 to 50 hz configurable 6. Power supply: - +8 to +12 vdc 7. Interface: RS232, RS485 serial digital.
Cylindrical inductive proximity sensor: 1, diameter form m4 to m30. Max and min lengths available. 2, cable and connector type optional, rectangle inductive proximity sensor: 1, from size 7*7mm to 210*210mm 2, steady performance due to professional ic design 3, short-circuit, reverse polarity protection 4, widely application such as limit and counter function Plastic bay and box
Plastic column inductive proximtiy sensor 1, easy to adjust due to long-rang sensing distance 2, short-circuit, reverse polarity and surge protection. 3, strong power supply: dc:10...30v, ac: 20...250v 4, ip67(iec) Plastic bay and box
V-lok neonatal nibp cuff, single tube, latex bladde
DS-100A adult finger clip spo2 sensor. It can be compatible with All nellcor types,N40,N100,N200,N290/5,N390,N3000,N6000
Humidity measuring range: 1%rh~ 99 %rh Supply voltage vs: 10 v Time constant (33 to 80 % rh, still air @ 63%) ta: 3.5 s Deviation to typical response curve (10% to 90%) rh) :+/-2 %rh
A) voltage supply: 5 vdc B) humidity measuring range: 0~100 %rh C) response time (at 63% of signal) 33%rh to 75%rh(3): 5 s D) suitable for small bulk assembly E) reliability not affected by repeated condensations F) full interchangeability. Better than +/-3%rh and +/-0.15oc G) demonstrated reliability and long term stability H) typical 1 to 3.6 volt dc output for 0 to 100% rh at 5 v dc supply I) humidity calibrated within +/- 3% rh @ 55% rh J) temperature measurement through ntc 10 kª+ +/- 1% direct output K) ratiometric to voltage supply within the specified range
GE-ohmeda Adult finger Clip Spo2 Sensor, 3m
Input voltage: 12v Work voltage: 8-18v Outpt voltage: 1-5v Response time:
Mass air flow meter 5wk9605 Suit for: bmw Oem no.: 13 62 1 432 356 Main technical parameters: Input voltage: 12v Work voltage: 8-18v Outpt voltage: 1-5v Response time:
Performance characteristics Nominal range: 10 ppm Maximum overload: 20 ppm Sensitivity range: 0.70a 0.15ª8a/ppm Zero signal @ 20 oc: < a0.2 ª8a Baseline drift :0 to 0.6 ppm equivalent (-20 oc to 50 oc) Resolution: 0.1 ppm Response time (t90): 35 sec Linearity: linear Long term output drift:
Details as follows : Rotational-speed range : 20 . 7000 rpm Permanent ambient temperature in the cable area : -40 to + 120C Permanent ambient temperature in the coil area : -40 to + 150C Winding resistance at 20 C 860 : 10 % Inductance at 1 kHz 370mH : 15 % Degree of protection : IP67 Output voltage : 0.200V
Electrical : Output: Analogue or digital Typical Linearity: 2.5% (absolute) 1.0% (independent linearity) Typical Travel: 15mm electrical* / 18mm mechanical* (*application dependent, adaptable to larger or smaller travel requirements) Nominal Index Voltage : Programmable Electrical Limit Maximum : 20 VDC Supply Voltage : 4.5 - 5.5 VDC Typical Current Draw : 12 mA (dependent on program conditions) Maximum Response Time : 600 S Durability : Typical Vibration: 200 hrs.; 3 planes; 20 - 2000 Hz; 40G RMS;-40C -160C. Typical Thermal Shock: 500 cycles, -40C and 160C; 15 sec. transition; 30 min. soak at each temperature Typical Temperature Range: -40C > 160C