Name: Arugula seeds Name in general: watercress Arugula Botanical name: Eruca sativa Family: Brassicaceae Arugula or (Eruca sativa) has many names such as rucola, rucoli, rugula, colewort, and roquette and rocket salad. Origin: Egypt Purity: Sortex 98% min Germination: 80% min. Certificate: ISTA HS Code: 12099100
Celery Seed for planting or food use Family: Apiaceae Botanical name: Apium graveolens Form: seeds Application: for planting (sowing) Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags Cultivation: Common Certificate: ISTA Quality: Sortex 98% min. Germination: 80% min HS Code: 12099100 - Application: Planting or sowing / cooking spice / food supplement. - Eastern medicine has used celery seeds for thousands of years to treat ailments like bronchitis, skin disorders, and the flu. - Today, celery seeds are most commonly used as a cooking spice. However, they are also available as a supplement in extract or capsule form as well as planting or sowing. Here are 6 surprising benefits of celery seeds: 1. Rich in Important Nutrients 2. Support Bone Health 3. Promote Red Blood Cell Formation 4. May Improve Blood Sugar Levels 5. May Fight Bacteria 6. May Have Antioxidant Properties
Broad Beans (Fava Beans) Botanical name: Vicia Faba L. Family name: Fabaceae Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags HS Code: 071350000000 Description: Broad Beans or fava beans or Vicia faba have many nutritious seeds and pods. millions of people around the world are eating it. Broad Beans or fava beans or Vicia faba which is also known as fava bean or broad bean back to the legume family, Leguminosae (also known as Fabaceae) that is rich in protein because it is able to fix nitrogen from the air through a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in housed in root nodules. Vava Beans or Vicia Faba is a rigidly upstanding plant its tall is 0.5-1.8m, with a strong rod of a square cross-section. the leaves color is distinct glaucous grey-green and varies between 10-25 cm long Do You Like to deal with a factory that uses a Sortex machine in Broad Beans producing process? Are You Are interested to deal with an Egyptian source of Broad Beans Manufacturer? If Yes, Contact Us Now to start & build a strong relationship, letting us know all your accurate requirements (Product name, mesh or size, purity, specification, analysis, etc). Keywords: Broad Beans, Fava Beans, Vicia Faba, Faba Beans. For more info pls contact us Now
Lupin beans Botanical name: Lupinus genus Family: Fabaceae Common names: Lupin, Lupine, Lupine beans, Lupini beans, Lupin beans, terms beans, and yellow legume seeds. Cultivation: Common Origin: Egypt Color: creamy color. Packing: 25 kg bags Species: bitter/sweet Hs Code: 1209990030 Lupin in brief: - Lupin is traditionally consumed as a rare snack. And it tastes bitter unless you washed it well with water. - The ancient Egyptians were the first who use Lupins, as back to the 12th Dynasty, the earliest archaeological report. Lupins seeds are also found in the tombs of many Egyptian pharos of the 22nd dynasty as well a quantity of it was found in the Hawara tombs in Fayoum. - There are two kinds of Lupins, bitter Lubin's which has large amounts of toxic alkaloids, and sweet Lupins which contain smaller toxic alkaloids amounts. - Lupini beans packed in jars with brine such as pickles and olives. They are eaten with or without their skin. - A Termis is the name used in Egypt to call for Lupin. It is consumed as a snack and can cock at home or sold by street vendors. - Many European countries grind Lupin beans to become flour and used them as an alternative to wheat flour. But in Australia Lupin flour is added to wheat flour in order to promote it and get food with a creamy color.
Name: Moringa Oleifera seeds Family: Moringaceae Botanical name: Moringa Oleifera Packing: 25 kg bags Origin: Egypt Application: for planting (sowing) or edible oil extract Or Water Purification How to use Moringa Oleifera seed for water purification! Moringa Oleifera seed cake, obtained as a by-product of compressing the Moringa seeds to get Moringa Oleifera oil, based on the above, it's utilized to refining the water by using the flocculation to get potable water for human consumption as well for the animal. Moringa Oleifera seeds have proteins of dimeric cationic, which absorbs and neutralizes the colloidal charges in the turbid water, that causes the colloidal particles to matter to be collecting together, which makes the hanging particles simple and easy to eliminate as sludge by either filtration or settling, Moringa Oleifera seed cake removes the most water impurities.
Sunflower seeds Botanical name: Helianthus annuus Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags Hs Code: 1206000090 Form: whole seeds Color: White Sunflower seed use: Sunflower seeds are more commonly eaten as a snack than as part of a meal. They can also be used as garnishes or ingredients in various recipes. The seeds may be sold as in-shell seeds or dehulled kernels. The seeds can also be sprouted and eaten in salads. Sunflower seed Nutrition: In a 100-gram serving, dried whole sunflower seeds provide 584 calories and are composed of 5% water, 20% carbohydrates, 51% total fat, and 21% protein. The seeds are a rich source (20% or higher of the Daily Value, DV) of protein (42% DV), dietary fiber (36% DV), many B vitamins (23129% DV), and vitamin E (234% DV). The seeds also contain high levels of dietary minerals, including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and zinc (4094% DV).
Oregano Family: Lamiaceae Botanical name: Origanum vulgare Origin: Egypt Packing: 20 kg bags Cultivation: Common HS Code: 09109900 Brief About Oregano: Oregano has olive-green leaves and purple flowers. It is closely related to other herbs, including mint, thyme, marjoram, and basil. Oregano contains chemicals that might help reduce cough. Oregano also might help with digestion and with fighting against some bacteria and viruses. People use oregano for wound healing, parasite infections, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
Fenugreek Seeds Family: Fabaceae Botanical name: Trigonella foenum-graecum Hs Code: 09109924 Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags Secrets use of Ancient Egyptians & Fenugreek seeds: 1. To produce bread. They mixed fenugreek flour with corn to produce bread. 2. To make bandages. 3. To remove the wrinkles of the skin. 4. To increase breast milk. The most recent analysis of the fenugreek seeds proved that it contains strong Galactogenous oil, and the ancient Egyptians knew that, so they entered it in making their bread. 5. They used the drink of boiled fenugreek seed as a laxative for the abdomen, an aperitif, and for removing aging wrinkles. 6. To expel the spirits. 7. To treat the patients topical breast. 8. To treat Psychological diseases. 9. For abortion. 10. To treat appendicitis in the mouth. 11. For abdominal diarrhea. 12. To expel the aging effects. 13. For the treatment of epilepsy.
Fennel Seeds Botanical name: Foeniculum vulgare Family: Apiaceae HS Code: 0909610000 Packing: 25 kg bags Origin: Egypt Cultivation: Common What are the Health Benefits of fennel? 1) Fennel makes your bone more strong and healthy. Because it contains about 115 mg of calcium that help to form and strengthen the bones of the human body 2) Fennel makes your skin more healthy. It helps to maintain skin health because it contains a high percentage of vitamin C that can reduce the free radical damage that can lead to premature aging and can help to form collagen and protect the skin's appearance. 3) Fennel contains many antioxidants. 4) Fennel has the power to low blood pressure and inflammation. Because it contains a high percentage of potassium and a low percent of sodium, that prevents high blood pressure. 5) The fennel has anti-bacterial, viral, and fungal effects. 6) Fennel's oil may be used in perfumes. 7) Fennel can be used as a dwelling for epilepsy through the mouth. 8) Fennel is one of the contents of the suppositories used to treat inflammation of the anus. 9) Fennel can be used to relieve stomach pain and expel intestinal gases. 10) A boiled drink of fennel seeds is used in colds.
Cumin Seed Family: Apiaceae Botanical name: Cumin Cyminum HS Code: 0909310000 Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags Cultivation: Common Amazing facts about Cumin seeds & ancient Egypt! 1) All spices were used in ancient Egypt and throughout the ages. The ancient Egyptians would get spices like cumin plants, cilantro, and cinnamon from the east. Peppers arrived late in ancient Egypt through the Greeks. But salt was present and available to keep the meat in the air against decay. 2) Cumin seeds / Cumin plant was used in mummification operations in ancient Egypt. It is a powerful antimicrobial and helps to keep meat against damage. Cumin is used extensively with different spices because it gives a strong and effective flavor. 3) Ancient Egyptians used cumin plants to practice religious rituals not only for cooking purposes because their native habitat was the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt. 4) Cumin is a tonic for the blood and increases the proportion of blood in the body. When mixing cumin with honey is used to calm a severe cough. Apply with a binder to relieve severe joint pain. The seeds are used to make a combination of turmeric and coriander during cooking.
Coriander Seed Family: Apiaceae Botanical name: Coriandrum sativum Common names: Coriander, Cilantro Origin: Egypt Packing: 20 kg bags HS Code: 0909210000 Cultivation: Common Amazing Health Benefits of Coriander: 1) Effective antibiotics: Coriander seeds are able to cure digestive problems such as diarrhea caused due to pathogenic bacteria, the reason for that is the leaves' borneol chemical substance that is able to eliminate E.coli bacteria. The leaves were also able to overcome many health problems like gastric inflammation, dizziness, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, impotence, flu, and breast inflammation. 2) Perfect Antioxidant: Research has found that coriander leaves have antioxidant activity. The reason for that is that they contain caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid that are able to hamper free radical that causes oxidation, particularly for the skin. 3) Anti-cancer: Many scientists have proven that coriander leaves are able to fight cancer because they contain vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta carotene, ferulic, Caffeic, kaempferol, and quercetin, which are able to reduce the oxidative stress risk because of cancer.
Caraway Seeds Family: Apiaceae Botanical name: Carum carvi Common names: Caraway is a biennial plant in the family Apiaceae, it is known as meridian fennel and Persian cumin, (Carum carvi). Origin: Egypt HS Code: 0909610000 Packing: 25 kg bags Cultivation: Common Amazing List of caraway seeds health benefits that are beneficial to us: 1- The oil and seeds of Caraway are used to strengthen the stomach and kill hookworms (anthelmintic). Its oil also has a constituent called Carvone which is used as an anthelmintic. 2- Caraway is considered a very good carminative, as it eases the gut, providing relief from gas, flatulence, and bowel spasms. 3- Caraway has an Antitussive effect in treating cough. 4- Caraway seeds are able to strengthen muscles heart, prevent atherosclerosis, lower blood pressure and bring down cholesterol levels, which is excellent for the health of the heart. 5- Caraway oil has excellent disinfectant and antiseptic properties which are so effective for curing infections anywhere in the body. 6- If you take Caraway seeds oil, it is useful in getting rid of bad breath and gum disease. 7- Caraway is helping in beginning menstruation and increases.
Bay Leaf (Leaves of laurel) Family: Lauraceae Botanical name: Laurus nobilis. Origin: Egypt Packing: 20 kg bags or 5 kg carton box Cultivation: Common HS Code: 0910990000 What are the uses of Bay leaf in food? 1) Laurel plant is one of the most common herbs in the kitchens of the Mediterranean region. 2) In Italy, they use the aromatic property of laurel leaves to make their special Italian pasta sauces. 3) Due to the distinctive flavor of Bay leaves, they may be used to cook any kind of food. 4) To drink a unique soup you can use ground laurel leaves. It grants a special taste for soups. Did the Ancient Egyptians knows & use Bay leaf Leaves (Laurus leaves)? 1) Ancient Egyptians used the Bay leaf as a symbol of victory and pride, they also used it as a crown for heroes and poets. 2) They squeezed the aromatic fruits of Bay leaf to get special oil known as laurel oil. 3) They used the bay leaves (Laurus leaves) oil for sores and wounds. 4) They used the bay leaves (Laurus leaves) oil as a pomade for headaches.
Flax seeds / Egyptian Flax seeds / Flaxseeds / Linseed Family: Linaceae Botanical names: Linum usitatissimum Hs Code: 1204000090 Color: Brown Form: seeds Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags What is flax history? Ancient Egyptian cultivated flax on a large scale as it appeared on the walls of temples. Linen was the special clothes of the Egyptian priests as it was the symbol of purity. The Egyptian linen has been traded by Phoenicians throughout the Mediterranean and used for the sails by the Romans. What are the uses of Flax? - Flax oil is the most commonly used part of the plant flax. It is used as a nutritional supplement and as a main ingredient in finishing wood products. - We can use flax as an ornamental plant in gardens. - Fibers of Flax are used to make linen clothes. They are taken from the flax plant�¯�¿�½?�?�¢??s stem. The flax fibers are strong, smooth, and straight. - Flax plant was the main source of vegetable-based cloth in Europe and North America until the nineteenth century. - Linseed oil is used as a drying oil in paints and varnishes. It is also used in the production of linoleum and printing inks. - After extraction of oil from flax seeds, we can use the linseed meal to feed livestock because it is rich in protein. For more info pls contact us Now.
Red Chilli / Red Chili Product: Red Chilli hot pods Botanical name: Capsicum annuum Family: Solanaceae Keywords: Red Chilli / Red Hot Chilli / Hot Chilli / Red Chili Pods Application: Mixtures of spices and seasonings HS Code: 09/04/21/00/00 Taste: Very Hot Chilli Colour: Red Form: Whole Dried Pod - Red Hot pepper is used in cooking as a kind of popular seasoning, and it has also been used medicinally for thousands of years because it contains capsaicin, which is the substance on which the temperature of the pepper depends. The more capsaicin the pepper contains, the higher it's temperature. From a nutritional point of view, hot peppers contain high amounts of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A as needed, in addition to iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B.
Keywords: Anise seed / Egyptian Anise seeds / Aniseed / Pimpinella Anisum / Egyptian Anise / Yansoon Botanical Name: Pimpinella Anisum Family: Apiaceae Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bags Cultivation: Common Commercial Details: Crop: May Form: seeds Volume: if 1X20" FCL: 13 MT & 1X40" FCL 25 MT The health benefits of Anise seed: 1) Greeks used Anise for centuries as a food flavor, especially in dishes that have a touch of sweetness or a bit of spice. 2) Also, Greeks used Anise seeds as a cure for insomnia. And adding little honey to Anise in the morning freshens the breath. 3) On the other hand, Greeks used Anise to help enhance romance for lovers as it was known as an aphrodisiac. 4) In addition, anise helps to relieve gas because it is carminative; it's helpful for problems such as flatulence and colic. Also, it can help to reduce bloating that comes from gas. 5) Anise is an antispasmodic that can help to relieve the muscular cramping that causes pain in the digestive tract, it also relieves menstrual cramps, so if you are suffering from spasms from poor digestion, such as intestinal cramping, anise will relieve your problems. Amazing use by Ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians were among the first to use anise. They used it to treat bloating, diarrhea, mouthwash, and urinary incontinence. In addition, they used anise oil to treat coughing; they also used seeds to increase the yield of milk if added to the feed of cows, sheep, and goats The countries we export to USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Greece, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, Australia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, and South Africa. We have ISO 9001, ISO 22000, MFDS South Korea, FDA registration of USA, And finally: we deal with our clients as friends & partners, so we do our best to build a trustful between both of us to do a long-term relationship and not one spot deal.
Dried green Peas Family: Fabaceae Botanical name: Pisum sativum Origin: Egypt Packing: 25 kg bag Hs Code: 071021000000 Cultivation: Common Great Health Benefits for Dried Green Peas: 1) Dried peas (green peas), a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family, are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. Not only can dried peas help lower cholesterol, but they are also of special benefit in managing blood-sugar disorders since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal. 2) Fiber is not included in dried peas (green peas �¢?? Pisum sativum �¢?? pea plant) it provides good to excellent amounts of five important minerals, three B vitamins, and protein �¢?? all with virtually no fat. As if this weren�¢??t enough, dried peas also feature isoflavones (notably daidzein). Isoflavones are phytonutrients that can act like weak estrogens in the body and whose dietary consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of certain health conditions, including breast and prostate cancer. 3) Dried Peas are Packed with Fiber, like other legumes, and are rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract that binds bile (which contains cholesterol) and carries it out of the body. For more info & order pls contact us now
Peppermint, marjoram, basil, senna leaves & pods, hibiscus, anise seeds, coriander, caraway, spearmint, parsley, dill, verbascum flower, licorice, fennel, rosemary, , linden, thyme, calendula, chamomile, lemongrass, cinnamon, fenugreek, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, dried lemon, sage, henna, molokhia.Import and export
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