Lasagna, small lasagna, lasagna wide ... (or tagliatelle in Istria is the name used for long pasta - pasta). Rolled pasta is produced from the highest quality flour selected varieties of durum wheat and fresh eggs daily. What it certainly gives added value to the way I was making, and it's rolling, pasteurization and prolonged drying. Tasting valid pasta will awaken in you a taste of those pastas that are traditionally prepared by our grandmothers, or that you sometimes wish knead themselves.
Lasagna, small lasagna, lasagna wide ... (or tagliatelle in Istria is the name used for long pasta - pasta). Rolled pasta is produced from the highest quality flour selected varieties of durum wheat and fresh eggs daily. What it certainly gives added value to the way I was making, and it's rolling, pasteurization and prolonged drying. Tasting valid pasta will awaken in you a taste of those pastas that are traditionally prepared by our grandmothers, or that you sometimes wish knead themselves.
The perfect shape and the secret of our lasagna, rolled pasta (tagliatelle) folded and intertwined in skeins (â??matasseâ?�) lie in the fact that the dough is not pressed through moulds. Instead, it is made using the roller â?? the same method used for making homemade pasta, i.e. by hand. The pasta drying procedure is quite long and slow so that the flour and fresh eggs may retain their nutritional value. Such a manufacturing method endows our pasta with a rough and porous surface, and this is what makes a true foodie relish its combination with various sauces.
Pasta, tagliatelle, noodles, garganelli, fuzi, pasutice.