Palm oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, avoado oil, castor oil, palm stearin, palm fatty acid distilled, palm kernel fatty acid distilled..
DESCRIPTION : Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Mulberries INGREDIENTS: Natural fresh Mulberries, Without Preservatives, Without Colorants PHYSICOCHEMICAL: BRIX 7 PH 2,9 ACIDITY 2,5 Organoleptic Characteristics Appearance Product Free Of Foreign Matter Color: Similar To The Original Mulberry Color Falvor And Aroma: Characteristic Of The Mulberry Odor: Characteristic To Mulberry Without Strange Odors Certification Iso 9001 Certificate Iso 22000 Certificate Kashurt Certificate
DESCRIPTION: Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest cape gooseberries INGREDIENTS: Natural fresh Cape Gooseberries, Without Preservatives, Without Colorants Physicochemical Characteristics; Brix: 11.5 Ph: 3.2 Acidity: 1.5 % Insoluble Solid : 20-45 Organoleptic Characteristics: Appearance Product Free Of Foreign Matter Color: Similar To The Original Cape Gooseberry Color Falvor And Aroma: Characteristic Of The Cape Gooseberry Process Used -pulping -pasteurized -freezing Process Certificates : Iso 9001 Certificate Iso 22000 Certificate Kashurt Certificate
Sanitary Registration Permit Psa -0001876-2019 Name Tamaranid - Frozen Pulp DESCRIPTION Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Tamarinds Ingredients Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Tamarinds Natural fresh Tamarinds Without Colorants Without Preservatives Physicochemical Characteristics Characeristics Minimum Range Brix - 14 pH - 2.7 Acidity - 1.6 % Insoluble solids. 20-46 ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS APPEARANCE Product free of foreign matter Color: Similar To The Original Tamarind Color Falvor And Aroma: Characteristic Of The Tamarind Odor: Characteristic To Flavor Without Strange Odors General Imperfections Particle Size Max. 0.5 Mm Seed Presence Absence Process Used Pulping Pasteurized Freezing Process Microbiological Analysis. m M Mesophilic microorganism count 1.000 3.000 E COLI COUNT ufc/g o ml
Sanitary Registration Permit - Psa -0001876-2019 Name Mulberries Frozen Pulp Description - Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Mulberries INGREDIENTS Natural fresh Mulberries Without Preservatives Without Colorants Physicochemical Characteristics Characeristics Minimum Range Brix 7.0 pH 2.9 Acidity 2.5 % Insoluble solids. 20-45 Organoleptic characteristics Appearance - product free of foreign matter Color : similar to the original mulberry color Falvor and aroma: characteristic of the mulberry Odor : characteristic to mulberry without strange odors General Imperfections Particle size Max. 0.5 mm Seed Presence Absence Process Used Pulping Pasteurized Freezing Process Microbiological Analysis. m M Mesophilic microorganism count - 1.000 3.000 E COLI COUNT ufc/g o ml
Coffee from Colombia is defined as one of clean cup, acidity and body medium / high with a sharp and full aroma. Our specialty coffee has the following features: Country: Colombia. Origin: Cauca. Region: Inza and Paez. Varietal: Arabica. Altitude: 1,700 2,100 meters (5,150 –6,360 ft) above sea level. Moisture: 11.5% average. Aroma: Fruits, notes of caramel and chocolate. Acidity: Smooth and clean of citrus. Sweetness: Dark chocolate brown sugar with notes of fruits. Residual: Enduring with notes of caramel and chocolate. Score in cup: 86. Quantity per container: One (1) 40’ container - 28,000 pounds (935 bags of 15 kilos). One (1) 20’ container - 14,000 pounds (467 bags of 15 kilos). Packaging materials: 15 Kilos bag (30 pounds of 500 grams). Carton per 15 kilos bag. Meets international standards. Features: Roasting: Medium. Rule UGQ (12-60-20). Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Product approved and certified by Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros.
Avocado, achiote, hydrangeas flowers.
CERTIFICATION: FDA 1. Coffee Type: Arabica Colombian Coffee 2. Quatilies Available: (i) UGQ (Usually Good Quality) (ii) EST EP SC 15- 24F (iii) EST SUPREMO SC 17/18 - 24F 3. Packaging of 250 gms, 500 gms or customized. 4. Presentation: Roasted - Green Coffee
Fruits and processed food, dairy products, fresh flowers, clothing.
CERTIFICATION: FDA 1. Product Description: Snacks Natural frined 2. Presentation: Starting in 35 grams up to 227 grams 3. Variety: Plantain Ripe and Unripe - Potatoe Chips 4. Lifetime: 18 months 5. MOQ: 1 Pallet per SKU
CERTIFICATION: FDA 1. Description: 100% Natural Frozen Pulp of Fruits 2. Presentation: Starting 100 grams up to 5.000 Grams 3. Flavors: Gooseberry pulp, Gulupa pulp, Avocado pulp, Feijoa pulp, Grape pulp, Papaya pulp, Mango pulp, Banana pulp, Blueberry Pulp, Pear pulp, Passion fruit pulp, Peach pulp, Soursop Pulp, Lulo pulp, Apple pulp, Blackberry pulp, Strawberry Pulp, Guava pulp, Pineapple Pulp, Tropical Mix Pulp, Red Fruit Pulp, Yellow Fruit Pulp, Green Fruit Pulp, Vital Pulp, Antioxidant Pulp, Defense Pulp, Detox pulp 4. Sugar added: No
Medical products, food, nitrile gloves, sugar, pineapple, strawberry, mask, iron.Export, shipping
Cocoa and its derivatives, green coffee, roasted, beans; solid, and parchment. fruits and fresh vegetables. panela and aromatic.
Honey Lady Bee Queen
Honey Lady Miel born with the hope of being a solution for the environmental and social problems, we want to be a light on the path of humanity, starting from our lands where we house our bees, the heroines of the world located north of the Valley, Colombia. It was already known that excessive consumption of the world's most popular sweeteners caused serious damage to health, but in recent years it has gone further. We appear as the healthiest sweet substitute in the world, we will diversify produce and market a wide range of products and create programs to restore the habitat of bees in our lands. Within this context, the HONEY LADY MIEL apiary will facilitate the implementation of providing them with a differentiating attribute that will facilitate their essential pollination work for bees. Beekeeping is also a key sector not only for its contribution to strengthening economies but also for its high rates of environmental and social sustainability and for what bees represent in environmental matters and the preservation of ecosystems. Beekeeping is a medium and long-term response, reversing the trend of unemployment and poverty indicators in the abandoned rural areas of our biodiverse Colombia, making us the perfect habitat to protect the most important living being on the planet declared by scientists in the year 2020 according to Albert Einstein, if the bee disappears the human being would have 4 years of life left.
The innovation of Honey Lady Bee Queen will be the product "Creamy Honey To Spread" In Colombia, honey is generally marketed in liquid or crystallized form, and is mainly intended for special uses such as pharmaceutical use or as a remedy to remove cough or help with colds, is currently not a product that ordinary people use daily despite its health to use it because it has been a great shield against this lethal virus that attacks all of humanity, thanks to this situation, honey is gaining recognition in food use and applied to the general well-being of human beings. It is there where Honey Lady Bee Queen captures the opportunity through various interviews with honey consumers and clients, that liquid honey for many is not the favorite because it tends to be "sticky" or "drip" easily, this said literally in colloquial terms, That is why our great innovation is the "CREAMY HONEY SPREAD". The purpose of our innovative factor is the elaboration of a product called cream honey, which stable over time and allows it to be used as a spread without spilling the product, in addition to maintaining the qualities achieved in time. Between honey as raw material and freshly made cream honey, there was weight. Colombia and consumers are not taking advantage of other beekeeping products to the best of their ability, nor are they taking advantage of in their real dimension the contribution of bees in the pollination of crops, widely valued in other European countries, where In fact they are a great source of wealth. Due to this, we have looked for other options to be able to commercialize it, and encourage the consumption of its daily consumption as a natural sweetener in food and healing / age reversal in body and facial skin, for no one is a secret the multiple uses beauty At HONEY LADY BEE QUEEN we want to turn our clients into loyal followers of bees, recognizing and supporting that by consuming their honey and derivatives they are protecting them as they deserve, which is like the most important being on the planet. In addition to this, it makes our brand different because our high mountain honey is the honey collected by bees in altitudes higher than 1500m and 1800m with dominance of wild blooms. High mountain honey is more or less dark in color. The aroma of mountain honey is intense and persistent (similar to a forest in autumn) and a pronounced taste methods are the same as 4 generations ago, and honey has a natural crystallization process, we follow the tradition of my ancestors avoiding it by heating the honey in a water bath.
We are a company dedicated to the production and marketing of 100% natural honey for food and cosmetic use, aimed at a public that is increasingly aware of their diet and the care of natural resources. We will have unique and innovative products in the market and with prices within the reach of all socioeconomic strata. In addition, we will provide beekeeping workshops with the aim of generating new sources of work in populations of vulnerable rural women, in this way we will have a high social impact in social innovation. We also offer beekeeping workshops with the aim of generating new sources of work. In vulnerable populations, we will give priority to women heads of household with certain economic relief and access to credit, so that they can be trained with us and thus see beekeeping as a way of life, beekeeping is now a duty of all beings humans, because without bees there is no life, and it is up to all of us to participate in their non-extinction.
Dried chili peppers, dehydrated cilantro, dehydrated green onion, chili mash, green onion mash, chili peppers in brine, chili purees.
100% Arabica classic instant Coffee. Single-origin Direct trade. Roasted and packed in Medellin , no Blends. Bright and complex with a crisp, sweet flavor. Ethically sourced, we carefully roast the beans, capturing the exceptional aroma and premium taste. Ingredients; INSTANT COFFEE .
Colombia Green coffe Type: traditional arbigo Price/kg: 3.85 USD Quantity/month:3-5 containers Brasil Green coffe Type: traditional arbigo Price/kg: 3.61 USD Quantity/month:3-5 containers