Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3208SN (totes impression 2X4 SEIKO Spt-510/35pl, 54~104m2 /heure, Driver |lectrom|canique Leadshine, Rails Hiwin) Introduction de produit ( Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3208SN) Largeur maximale impression 3200mm (10.5ft) Tote impression SPT 510-35PL Largeur maximale de m|dia 3300mm (10.8ft) Resolution maximale Jusqu¨¨ 720dpi Vitesse impression 54-104sq.m/h (581~1,119sq.ft/h) Type encre Encre de solvant/ Encre de |co-solvant Couleurs CMYK(magenta, cyan, jaune, noir ) Poids de produit 680kg (1,499lbs) Poids expedition 800kg (1,764lbs) Modle de produit Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3208SN Tote impression Tote pi|zo japonaise(SPT1020-35PL) avec des gouttes contr?l|es automatiquement la demande Quantit| de tote 8 totes Modle de tote SPT 510-35pl S|quencement de tote 2x4 Largeur maximale impression 3200mm (10.5ft) Rendement (sqm/h) Mode impression Rendement standard (sqm /h) 240x540dpi 1pass 104 240x720dpi 2pass 78 360x540dpi 2pass 54 Encre Type Encre de solvant Couleur 4 couleurs (magenta, cyan, jaune, noir ) capacit| 5L par baril pour chaque couleur Systme de l¨¨alimentation encre Capteur automatique de bas niveau d'encre, Systme automatique ou manuel de l¨¨alimentation encre M|dia Largeur 3300mm (10.8ft) Type Vinyl, Flex, Polyester, film de colle, film semi-transparent, etc. Systme automatique de d|rouleur |quip| (le poids maximal des mat|riaux est de 80kg ) Systme automatique de nettoyage Nettoyage par la tension positive, la fonction anti-bouchage et |jection rapide Systme de pr|chauffage et de s|chage |quip| (systme de s|chage est optionnel ) Clamp |quip| Interface de transmission des donn|es USB2.0 Hauteur de tote La distance entre les totes et le m|dia est r|glable dans le cadre de 2-4mm Logiciel RIP Maintop , UltraPrint , PhotoPrint Alimentation entr|e AC 220V ,50Hz Dimension imprimante Longueur4,360 x largeur790 x hauteur1,170 mm poids brut : 680kg (1,499lbs) Dimension emballage Emballage complet: Longueur4470 x largeur880 x hauteur1,340 mm ; poids brut : 800kg (1,764lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre |quip|e de deux imprimantes Emballage avec les pieds s|par|s : Longueur4930 x largeur1090 x hauteur1,100 mm ; poids brut : 800kg (1,764lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre |quip|e de quatre imprimantes Environnement de op|ration Temperature : 20~28 ¡æ Humidit| : 40%~60%. In wooden case.
Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3206NC (totes impression 1X6 SEIKO Spt-1020/35pl, 54~107m2 /heure, Driver |lectrom|canique Leadshine, Rails Hiwin) Introduction de produit ( Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3206NC) Largeur maximale impression 3200mm (10.5ft) Tote impression SPT 1020-35PL Largeur maximale de m|dia 3300mm (10.8ft) Resolution maximale Jusqu¡¡¥¡è 720dpi Vitesse impression 54-107sq.m/h (581~1,152sq.ft/h) Type encre Encre de solvant/ Encre de |co-solvant Couleurs CMYKLcLm(magenta, cyan, jaune, noir, lumire cyan, lumire magenta) Poids de produit 680kg (1,499lbs) Poids expedition 800kg (1,764lbs) Modle de produit Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3206NC Tote impression Tote pi|zo japonaise(SPT1020-35PL) avec des gouttes contr?l|es automatiquement ¡è la demande Quantit| de tote 6 totes Modle de tote SPT1020-35pl S|quencement de tote 1x6 Largeur maximale impression 3200mm (10.5ft) Rendement (sqm/h) Mode impression Rendement standard (sqm /h) 360x360dpi 1pass 107 240x720dpi 2pass 76 360x720dpi 2pass 54 Encre Type Encre de solvant Couleur 6 couleurs (cyan, jaune, noir, lumire cyan, lumire magenta) capacit| 5L par baril pour chaque couleur Systme de l¡¡¥alimentation encre Capteur automatique de bas niveau d'encre, Systme automatique ou manuel de l¡¡¥alimentation encre M|dia Largeur 3300mm (10.8ft) Type Vinyl, Flex, Polyester, film de colle, film semi-transparent, etc. Systme automatique de d|rouleur |quip| (le poids maximal des mat|riaux est de 80kg ) Systme automatique de nettoyage Nettoyage par la tension positive, la fonction anti-bouchage et |jection rapide Systme de pr|chauffage et de s|chage |quip| (systme de s|chage est optionnel ) Clamp |quip| Interface de transmission des donn|es USB2.0 Hauteur de tote La distance entre les totes et le m|dia est r|glable dans le cadre de 2-4mm Logiciel RIP Maintop , UltraPrint , PhotoPrint Alimentation entr|e AC 220V ,50Hz Dimension imprimante Longueur4,360 x largeur790 x hauteur1,170 mm poids brut : 680kg (1,499lbs). In wooden case.
IImprimante solvant TAIMES 1806DF (totes impression 1X6 SEIKO Spt-255/35pl, 13~25m2 /heure, Rails Hiwin) Introduction de produit ( Imprimante solvant TAIMES 1806DF) Largeur maximale impression : 1800mm (70.8inch) Tote impression : SPT 255-35PL Largeur maximale de mydia : 1820mm (71.6inch) Resolution maximale : Jusqu¡¥è 720dpi Vitesse impression : 13~25m2 /heure (140~269sq.ft/h) Type encre : Encre de solvant/ Encre de yco-solvant Couleurs : CMYK(magenta, cyan, jaune, noir, cyan lyger et magenta lyger ) Poids de produit : 270kg (595.5lbs) Poids expedition : 350 kg (772lbs) Modele de produit : Imprimante solvant TAIMES 1806DF Tote impression : Tote piyzo japonaise (SPT255-35PL) avec des gouttes contr?lyes automatiquement è la demande Quantity de tote : 6 totes Modele de tote : SPT255-35pl Syquencement de tote : 1x6 Largeur maximale impression : 1800mm (70.8inch) Rendement (sqm/h) : Mode impression : Rendement standard (sqm /h) : 240x540dpi 3pass : 25 : 360x540dpi 2pass : 17 : 360x720dpi 4pass : 13 Encre : Type : Encre de solvant/ Encre de yco-solvant : Couleur : 6 couleurs (magenta, cyan, jaune, noir, cyan lyger et magenta lyger ) : capacity : 5L par baril pour chaque couleur : Systeme de l¡¥alimentation encre capteur automatique de bas niveau d'encre, Systeme automatique ou manuel de l¡¥alimentation encre Mydia : Largeur : 1820mm (71.6inch) : Type : Vinyl, Flex, Polyester, film de colle, film semi-transparent, etc. Systeme automatique de dyrouleur : yquipy (le poids maximal des matyriaux est de 80kg ) Systeme automatique de nettoyage : Nettoyage par la tension positive, la fonction anti-bouchage et yjection rapide Systeme de prychauffage et de sychage yquipy (systeme de sychage est optionnel ) Clamp : yquipy Interface de transmission des donnyes : USB2.0 Hauteur de tote : La distance entre les totes et le mydia est ryglable dans le cadre de 2-4mm Logiciel RIP : Maintop , UltraPrint , PhotoPrint Alimentation entrye : AC 220V ,50Hz Dimension imprimante : Longueur 3,040 x largeur790 x hauteur1,170 mm poids brut : 270kg (595lbs) Dimension emballage : Emballage complet: Longueur3,150 x largeur870 x hauteur1,300 mm ; poids brut : 350kg (772lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre yquipye de deux imprimantes Emballage avec les pieds syparys : Longueur3,150 x largeur870 x hauteur1,100 mm ; poids brut : 350kg (772lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre yquipye de quatre imprimantes Environnement de opyration : Temperature : 20~28 Oc Humidity : 40%~60%. In wooden case.
Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3204NC (totes impression 1X4 SEIKO Spt-1020/35pl, 54~107m2 /heure, Driver lectromcanique Leadshine,Rails Hiwin) Introduction de produit ( Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3204NC) Largeur maximale impression : 3200mm (10.5ft) Tote impression : SPT 1020-35PL Largeur maximale de mdia : 3300mm (10.8ft) Resolution maximale : Jusqu¡¡è 720dpi Vitesse impression : 54-107sq.m/h (581~1,152sq.ft/h) Type encre : Encre de solvant/ Encre de co-solvant Couleurs : CMYK(magenta, cyan, jaune, noir ) Poids de produit : 680kg (1,499lbs) Poids expedition : 800kg (1,764lbs) Modee de produit : Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3204NC Tote impression : Tote pizo japonaise(SPT1020-35PL) avec des gouttes contr?les automatiquement ¡è la demande Quantit de tote : 4 totes Modee de tote : SPT1020-35pl Squencement de tote : 1x4 Largeur maximale impression : 3200mm (10.5ft) Rendement (sqm/h) : Mode impression : Rendement standard (sqm /h) : 360x360dpi 1pass : 107 : 240x720dpi 2pass : 76 : 360x720dpi 2pass : 54 Encre : Type : Encre de solvant : Couleur : 4 couleurs (magenta, cyan, jaune, noir ) : capacit : 5L par baril pour chaque couleur : Systeme de l¡alimentation encre Capteur automatique de bas niveau d'encre, Systeme automatique ou manuel de l¡alimentation encre Mdia : Largeur : 3300mm (10.8ft) : Type : Vinyl, Flex, Polyester, film de colle, film semi-transparent, etc. Systeme automatique de drouleur : quip (le poids maximal des matriaux est de 80kg ) Systeme automatique de nettoyage : Nettoyage par la tension positive, la fonction anti-bouchage et jection rapide Systeme de prchauffage et de schage : quip (systeme de schage est optionnel ) Clamp : quip Interface de transmission des donnes : USB2.0 Hauteur de tote : La distance entre les totes et le mdia est rglable dans le cadre de 2-4mm Logiciel RIP : Maintop , UltraPrint , PhotoPrint Alimentation entre : AC 220V ,50Hz Dimension imprimante : Longueur4,360 x largeur790 x hauteur1,170 mm poids brut : 680kg (1,499lbs) Dimension emballage : Emballage complet: Longueur4470 x largeur880 x hauteur1,340 mm ; poids brut : 800kg (1,764lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre quipe de deux imprimantes. In wooden case.
Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3204S (totes impression 1X4 SEIKO Spt-510/35pl, 26~52m2 /heure, Rails Hiwin) Introduction de produit ( Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3204S) Largeur maximale impression : 3200mm (10.5ft) Tote impression : SPT 510-35PL Largeur maximale de m|dia : 3300mm (10.8ft) Resolution maximale : Jusqu¡¡¥¡è720dpi Vitesse impression : 26~52m2 /heure(280~560sq.ft/h) Type encre : Encre de solvant Couleurs : CMYK(magenta, cyan, jaune, noir) Poids de produit : 340kg (749.5lbs) Poids expedition : 420kg (926lbs). Modle de produit : Imprimante solvant TAIMES 3204S Tote impression : Tote SPT japonaise produite de Seiko Instrument Group Quantit| de tote : 4 totes Modle de tote : SPT510-35pl S|quencement de tote : 1x4 Largeur maximale impression : 3200mm (10.5ft) Rendement (sqm/h) : Mode impression : Rendement standard (sqm /h) : 240x540dpi 3pass : 52 : 360x540dpi 2pass : 36 : 360x720dpi 4pass : 26 Encre : Type : Encre de solvant/ Encre de |co-solvant : Couleur : 4 couleurs (magenta, cyan, jaune, noir ) : capacit| : 5L par baril pour chaque couleur : Systme de alimentation : Capteur automatique de bas niveau d'encre, Systme automatique ou manuel de alimentation encre M|dia : Largeur : 3300mm (10.8ft) : Type : Vinyl, Flex, Polyester, film de colle, film semi-transparent, etc. Systme automatique de d|rouleur : |quip| (le poids maximal des mat|riaux est de 80kg ) Systme automatique de nettoyage : : Nettoyage par la tension positive, la fonction anti-bouchage et |jection rapide Systme de pr|chauffage et de s|chage : |quip| (systme de s|chage est optionnel ) Clamp : |quip| Interface de transmission des donn|es : USB2.0 Hauteur de tote : La distance entre les totes et le m|dia est r|glable dans le cadre de 2-4mm Logiciel RIP : Maintop , UltraPrint , PhotoPrint Alimentation entr|e : AC 220V ,50Hz Dimension imprimante : Longueur 4,360 x largeur790 x hauteur1,170 mm poids brut : 340kg (749.5lbs) Dimension emballage : Emballage complet: Longueur4450 x largeur870 x hauteur1,300 mm ; poids brut : 420kg (926lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre |quip|e de deux imprimantes Emballage avec les pieds s|par|s : Longueur4450 x largeur890 x hauteur1,100 mm ; poids brut : 420kg (926lbs) Une armoire de 20 pieds peut otre |quip|e de quatre imprimantes Environnement de op|ration : Temperature : 20~28 Oc Humidit| : 40%~60%. In wooden case.
Product Model XP-80160I Printing method line thermal Resolution 576dots/line OR 512dots/line Character size ANK,FontA:12*24dots,FontB:9*17dots Simplified Chinese,traditional Chinese:24*24dots Bar code JUPC-A/UPC-E/JAN13(EAN13)/JAN8(EAN8)/CODABAR/ITF/CODE39/CODE93/CODE128 Interface Serial/parallel/USB Power supply DC24V/2.5A Auto cutter without cutter Printing head life 100km Drivers Win 9X/Win ME/Win 2000/Win 2003/Win NT/Win XP/Win Vista/win 7 NV Flash buffer size 60k bytes Input buffer 32k bytes Cash drawer control DC 12-24V/1A Working environment temperature (0~45¡ãc) humidity(10~80%) Storage environment temperature (-10~60¡ãc) humidity(10~90%) Printing speed 160mm/sec Paper width 79.5¡À0.5mm Paper external diameter ¦Õ83mm Paper thickness 0.06-0.08mm. Weight 1.48kg Dimension 190x145x153mm inner:each in a plastic bag outer:each in an independent carton 6 sets in one carton.
Product Model XP-7645III Printing method 9pins serials dot matrix Resolution 400dots Character size ANK, Font A:9*9dots, Font B:7*9dots Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese:16*16dots Black label orientation support Interface Serial/parallel/USB/ net port Power supply DC24V/2.5A Auto cutter without Printing head life 10 million lines Driver Win9X/WinME/Win2000/WinNT/WinXP Working environment temperature (0~50¡ãc) humidity(10~80%) Storage environment temperature (-10~60¡ãc) humidity(10~90%) Printing speed 4.5lines/sec Paper width 75.5¡À0.5mm Paper external diameter ¦Õ65mm Paper thickness 0.06-0.08mm. Weight 1.56kg Dimension 215x135x105mm Inner:each In A Plastic Bag Outer:each In An Independent Carton 6 Sets In One Carton.
Product Model XP-58III Printing method line thermal Resolution 384dots/line Character size ANK,FontA:12*24dots,FontB:9*17dots Simplified Chinese,traditional Chinese:24*24dots Bar code JAN13(EAN13)/JAN8(EAN8)/CODE39 Interface Serial/parallel/USB/ Ethernet Power supply DC12V/3A Cash drawer control DC 12V/1A Auto cutter without Printing head life 100KM Drivers Win 9X/Win ME/Win 2000/Win 2003/Win NT/Win XP/Win Vista/win 7 Working environment temperature (0~45¡ãC) humidity(10~80%) Storage environment temperature (-10~60¡ãC) humidity(10~90%) Printing speed 70mm/sec Paper width 57.5¡À0.5mm Paper external diameter ¦Õ65mm Paper thickness 0.06-0.08mm. Weight 0.94kg Dimension 215x145x125mm Inner:each in a plastic bag outer:each in an independent carton 6 sets in one carton.
Inkjet printer Carton
Imaje-filter S4/S8/9040-Main Filter:ENM5934/37176 Imaje-filter S7/9020/9030-Main Filter: A35532 Imaje S8-Filter for White Ink(contrust) : A35185/A37337 Imaje 14» filternet : ENM17673 Imaje 32» filternet : ENM17674 Imaje-14u pre-pump filter : ENM34410.
Inkjet ink printer.
A6 Ultra small size rack mount printer Very silent printing thru direct thermal printing method Support 3.3v low voltage system Serial(rs-232c, ttl) interface/parallel interface Support ascii half-angle letter library Abundant figure/curves/characters print function Copy function of lcd screen Easier paper loading Item Specification Printing method Direct thermal line printing Paper loading way Easy paper loading Paper width 57 mm Print width 48 mm Resolution ration 8 dots/mm(384 dots/line) Life of printing head 6+106 character lines Printing speed 30mm/sec (when the utilization rate is 25%) Character size 6x8dots, 8x16dots, or12x24dots Chinese character library Gb2312, 16x16dots, or24x24dots Outline dimension(wxhxd mm) 85mmx85mmx50/37mm Installation dimension(wxh mm) 80mmx80mm Inlaid deepness 48mm Paper supplied Thermal roll paper (57mm wide, 30mm°) Interface Serial(rs-232c , ttl)/parallel interface Input power Dc 3.5v-9v, 15w/ dc 5v, 3a, max 4a Operating temperature 5¦c ~ 50¦c Storage temperature -20¦c ~ 60¦c Operating humidity 10¦c ~ 80¦c Storage humidity 10¦c ~ 90¦c
A9 Very silent printing thru direct thermal printing method High speed (50mm/sec, based on character ratio 25%) High speed and low power consumption option Support 3.3v low voltage system Support 3.5v-9v power (best performance when 7.2-8.5v) Serial(rs-232c , ttl) interface/parallel interface Abundant figure/curves/characters print function Easier paper loading Itemspecification Printing methoddirect thermal line printing Paper out detectionpaper end sensors function Paper loading wayeasy paper loading Paper width57 mm Print width48 mm Resolution ration8 dots/mm(384 dots/line) Life of printing head6+106 character lines Printing speed50mm/sec (when the character ratio is 25%) Character 6x8dots , 8x16dots, or12x24dots Chinese character librarygb2312, 16x16dots, or24x24dots Outline dimension(wxhxd mm)84mmx98mmx57mm Installation dimension(wxh mm)78mmx92mm Inlaid deepness54mm Paper suppliedthermal roll paper (57mm wide, 50mm°) Interfaceserial(rs-232c , ttl)/parallel interface Input powerdc 3.5v-9v, 15w/ dc 5v, 3a Operating temperature5¦c ~ 50¦c Storage temperature-20¦c ~ 60¦c Operating humidity10¦c ~ 80¦c Storage humidity10¦c ~ 90¦c
T3pos Stylish and elegant appearance Support printing dot map of different density and loaded map. Paper end sensors and paper nearly end sensors function Add two cashbox driver signals Printer head overheat protect function Abundant figure/curves/characters/barcode print function Easy to use and simple to maintain Easier paper loading Itemspecification Printing methoddirect thermal line printing Cashboxtwo cashbox driver signals Paper out detectionpaper end sensors and paper nearly end sensors function Paper loading wayeasy paper loading Paper width57 mm Print width48 mm Resolution ration8 dots/mm(384 dots/line) Life of printing head6+106 character lines Printing speed40mm/sec Character 6x8dots , 12x24dots Chinese character librarygbk, 24x24dots Outline dimension(wxhxd mm)116mmx184.5mmx92mm Paper suppliedthermal roll paper (57mm wide, 60mm°) Interfaceserial (rs-232c, ttl) /parallel interface / usb interface Input powerdc 12v-24v , 25w Operating temperature5¦c ~ 50¦c Storage temperature-20¦c ~ 60¦c Operating humidity10¦c ~ 80¦c Storage humidity10¦c ~ 90¦c
Printing Resolution DPIú¦ 200 DPI Height of Characterú¦Print height range is 1mmí½18mm. Automatic Printing: Date, time, lot No, Shift No, Sequence No. etc. Message Memoryú¦ Save up to 100 messages and 100 symbols Texts Lengthú¦Max. 200 characters per message Sequence No: 1-9 variable numbers Printing Speed: Maximum 35 meters /minute and the speed isní»t influenced when printing more lines. Auto voltage selectionú¦AC 110- 220V Energy Consumptionú¦Average lower than 100W Operation Temperatureú¦1íµ-37íµú+Humidity 30% - 70% . Packaging size 66x43x 31cm G.W:. 15KG.
Width of Spray Head: 18mm Best printing Distance: The distance between the spray head and printing objects should be 5-10mm Printing Direction: The spray head can be adjusted 0-180íp vertical downward or vertical updward, from left to right horizontally Automatic Printing: Date, time, lot No, Shift No, Sequence No etc. Message Memoryú¦ Limitless memory space for messages Text Lengthú¦Max. 250 characters. Sequence No: 1-9 variable numbers Printing Speed: Maximum 35 meters /minute and the speed isn't influenced when printing more lines. Dimensionú¦34.7x22.4x 11.5cm 12 KGS.
High Resolution/piezo ceramic printing method Stand-alone Print up to 15 lines Letter Height up to 18mm English &Chinese language Size:34.7x22x 10cm G.W:. 15KG
Feature -Compact design and fast installation -Easy to be integrated at any position of the production line -Original design, small size and lightweight, equipped with a small table or mounting bracket with the use of production line -More further environmental protection and energy saving -Un-contact processing, more environmental protection, lower power, fast laser marked -Easy to use and Excellent compatibility -Simplicity of operation, easy to use, powerful anti-jamming performance, enough memory, multiply input and output interface, use with automatically anti-counterfeit and anti-disorder system -Adopt import laser, more safer and faster Applications Food, beverage, tobacco, electronic component, pharmaceuticals, ceramic wares, automobile part, electrical wire, cable, arts and crafts, rubber 1) Refrigerate Style: Air-cooled, Water-cooled 2) Wave length: 10.6mm 3) Line Width: 0.02mm 4) Depth: 0.04mm (up to the material) 5) Industrial Controller: Industrial control computer 6) Print Content: Character, logo, barcode, two-dimension code, image, graphics, DOT mosaic 7) Operating Range: Embedded many kinds of laser marked font, automatically serial number, Can be static and dynamic operation, automatic input with time and date change 8) Information Input: Keyboard, USB, serial data communication 9) Interface: Ethernet, USB, RS232 10) Focus: Standard focus 110mm, 70 to 250mm optional 11) Pipelining Speed: 150M per minute 12) Protection: Host optics closed, dust proof 13) Work Conditions: 5-50 centigrade, humidity below 95% Non condensing 14) Power supply: AC220V 50Hz 1000W
Feature Print consistently high quality images even on structured and uneven surfaces Print features include Text, Date, Time, Batch Number, Logo And Trademark Easy to be integrated at any position of the production line User friendly interface and most reliable ink system Design for adding ink and solvent automatically Self-monitor when machine works, without personal interference 32 bit embedded CPU, large memory, and the 8.4'' TFT bright clear touch screen Configure RS232 & USB communication interface, printing with computer Language alarm function. Applications Automobile part, beverages, cosmetics, electronic component, foods, pharmaceuticals, stone & wooden products, eggs, pipes & tubes, cables & wires etc. Hydraulic System Compact design Full automatic viscosity control and pressure control No external supply of compressed air required Multiple industry application with reasonable price and economical operation cost Electronic control system completely separated design from hydraulic system Stable performance, easy operation for Print Head Compatible design, maintenance friendly Automatic ink stream on when start up and ink stream suck back when turn off Nozzle size: 58 ++ M standard, 52 to 65 ++ M optional Easily accessible and can be installed in any position Distance from print head to print surface 1mm~30mm . Technical specification Print Lines 1-5 lines (5 x 5 dots) DOT Matrix figure and letter 5 x 5, 5 x 7, 8 x 10, 8 x 12, 12 x 16, 16 x 16, 24 x 24, and user-defined in 32 x 32 Memory 1000 message, 1000 graphics Print Speed 1400 character per second (5 x 7 dots) Letter Height 1-20mm Operating Interface Chinese, English Print Objects Chinese & English character, figure, date, time, and Numbering of reset Material metal, plastic, glass, wood, turing, electrical wire, cable etc Font Width up to 9 times Nozzle Connection Tube 3M Ink Color black, blue, red etc Consumption of Ink 70 millions character per litre Operating Environment 5-45 degree centigrade, below 90%(humidity) Power Source AC220V / 380V 50Hz 100AV.
Feature - Quick-dry black ink used industrial non-contact small character inkjet printers - Print consistently high quality images even on structured and uneven surfaces - Print features include text, date, time, batch numbers, logo and trademark - Easy to be integrated at any position of the production line - User friendly interface and most reliable ink system - 32 bit embedded CPU, large memory, and the 8.4'' TFT bright clear touch screen - Configure RS232 and USB communication interface, can upgrade the software. - Multitask system, printing and editing at the same time. Applications : Automobile part, foods, beverages, cosmetics, electronic component, pharmaceutical, stone, wooden, products, eggs, pipes and tubes, cables and wires etc. Hydraulic system Full automatic viscosity control and pressure control Diaphragm pumps with reliability, longer life, low maintenance cost than gear pump Electronic control system completely separated design from hydraulic system Print head - Compatible design, maintenance friendly - Automatic ink stream on when start up and ink stream suck back when turn off - Nozzle size: 58 ¼¬m standard, 52 to 65 ¼¬m optional - Easily accessible and can be installed in any position - Distance from print head to print surface 1mm~30mm Technical specification Print Lines 1-5 lines (5 x 5 dots) Dot Matrix figure and letter 5 x 5, 5 x 7, 8 x 10, 8 x 12, 12 x 16, 16 x 16, 24 x 24, and user-defined in 32 x 32 Memory 1000 message, 1000 graphics Print Speed 1,400 character per second (5 x 7 dots) Letter Height 1-20mm Operating Interface Chinese, English Print Objects English character, Arabic number, date, time, batch numbers, and logo, trademark, text Material metal, plastic, glass, wood, tubing, electrical wire, cable etc Font Width up to 9 times Nozzle Connection Tube 3M Ink Color black, blue,red etc Consumption of Ink 70 millions character per litre Operating Environment 5-45 degree centigrade, below 90%(humidity) Power Source AC220V / 380V 50HZ 100AV.