Raw Material From Arcelor Mittal. France The Cascad Model is the most famous models in Azerbaijan Market. The model equipment was produced by Karvan-L. The width of this product is 1.16 metr. The length to 12 metres. The thickness is 0.45 mm
Proofnasteel (proof list) is one of the universal materials of zinc galvanized steel that uses in building for construction of walls and interfloor partition (pouring-in flooring). Proofnasteel also uses like a covering material or in the capacity of roof floor. What does mean this material? Profnasteel is the profiled lists, fabricated from zinc galvanized steel (from0, 4 to 0, 1), which may be with polymer coating or without it. Proofnasteel has species diversity which differs with their thickness and size. All of these make possible to choose roof covering more suitable just You. Proofnasteel uses for construction of walls, fences and in fencing (fences of proofnasteel), but often in the roof materials ( roof Proofnasteel). Proofnasteel proof even in adverse weather conditions distinguishes from durability, simplicity of assemblage and has light weight. In the production of zinc coated proofnasteel uses zinc-galvanized steel of famous Russian and world producers. It gives guaranty that Your proofnasteel will be in high quality. Shaped sheet often uses in individual and low building, for example, in the construction of cottages, small magazines, refueling stations and booth. The main advantage of proofnasteel is its durability. Besides, this building material has many positive characteristics: proofnasteel is simple in installation, convenient for transportation, also distinguishes with its external high aesthetic view.
Most customers believe glass to be quite a fragile material. More and more customers are nonetheless coming to us, intending to decorate their staircases in such an edgy and virtually zephyrian style. The point is that a glass stairway may look zephyrian and weightless, giving a feeling of suspension over the ground. But in reality glass stairs are quite strong, reliable and durable, just like a regular rock, and are capable of withstanding high loads. In our applications we use high-strength glass that has been subjected at least to thermal treatment or at most glued together into a safety glass (triplex). We can fabricate any or all structural components of stairways and railings from glass: stairways, railings, stairs, hand rails, and bars. Moreover, you can order from Karvan-Glass the self-sustaining glass balcony parapets that will give you maximum observation field from your sunroom or balcony.
Karvan-L company has developed new method and technology for production of semifinished pentaerythritol-modified phthalic and glyptic lacquer modified by petroleum acids and vegetable oils. Priming, varnishes, enamels and paints are manufactured on their basis. Materials were tested as per special assessment methodology of timber, metal coating protection ability, as well as coating systems for different aggressive environment. Lacquer materials are supplied with technical documentation, hygienic certificates confirming their designation and quality. We offer package delivery of semifinished varnishes and varnish based materials, consulting services, selection of schemes and their application with provision of all required features.
Is the solvent for lacquer materials as per GOST 3134-78. It is used for solution of oily paints, varnishes and enamels. It is clear unclouded liquid. Viscosity du is not more than 0,795 g/m. Boiling range: start of boiling not more than 1600C, end of boiling not more than 2050C. Closed flash point is not less than +330C. Aromatic hydrocarbon content not more than 16%. Sulphur content not more than 0,025%.
Water-dispersing acryl filler. It is used for elimination of surface defects and levelling for further painting. Filler is highly durable, dries fast, has no odour, soluble in water and good sanding properties. Expenditure: 0,5-1,0 kg per 1m2. Drying time: 4-8 hours at 200C.
Adhesive is prepared on the basis of acryl binder and forms durable adhesive coating. It is used in internal and external works of adhesion of ceramic tiles, gluing wood, cardboard, paper. This glue also is quite essential in housekeeping during small repair works. Drying time: 24 hours at 200C
High-quality gloss paint. It possesses excellent decorative and protective features. It is produced in different colours. Solvent: White s pirit. Expenditure: 130-150g per 1m. Drying time: 24 hours at 18-220C
Imber is the most widely used ecologically clean material. It is designed for decorative finish. Clear Varnish with preservative is used for pest control, protection from mould and atmospheric impacts. Varnish is used for painting of furniture, wooden items, improves their appearance, adds brightness, prolongs service life. Solvent: white-spirit. Expenditure: 100-150 g per m2. Drying time: 24 hours at 200C.
High quality alkyd based ready-to-use priming used for coating of surfaces with further enamelling. It is used to ensure firm and reliable connection of painted surface and lacquer materials. It is effective anticorrosion protection. It is produced in white, grey, red-brown colours. Solvent: Xylain. Expenditure: 100-150 per 1m2 in single layer. Drying time: 24 hours at 200C
Raw Material From Arcelor Mittal. France The Holland Model Is The Most Famous Models In Azerbaijan Market. The Model Equipment Was Produced By Karvan-l. The Width Of This Product Is 1.20 Metr. The Length To 12 Metres. The Thickness Is 0.45 Mm
Raw Material From Arcelor Mittal. France The Karol Model Is The Most Famous Models In Azerbaijan Market. The Model Equipment Was Produced By Karvan-l. The Width Of This Product Is 1.16 Metr. The Length To 12 Metres. The Thickness Is 0.45 Mm
It is not a secret that the appearance of a house is a sort of a business card for its owner. Embarking on a quest for an architectural solution for the façade of our house or office, we intend to benefit from the uniformity of style, beauty, practicability, and safety A sun breaker or shed is one of key elements of a building decoration which protects the porch or balcony as well as people who like spending time there from the snow, rain and other elements. Insignificant at first glance, but quite important in reality – the element like shed should be not only exquisite and stylish but also strong and safe. And the glass sun breaker from Karvan-Glass is something that satisfies all these requirements. For glass today is a state-of-the-art, stylish and strong material widely used in construction and design. If you want to decorate the building exterior in an unusual style then glass sun breakers are your choice – buy them from our company and satisfy your boldest architectural needs, benefiting from all advantages the state-of-the-art construction technology can provide.
Translucent structures represent a convenient, functional and stylish decoration of various types of buildings and facilities. They look pretty well with business centers, shopping malls, and administrative buildings. They boast a light and elegant appearance but still maintain a serious yet fine exterior. The translucent structures enable to save on artificial lighting as they let in more sunlight. These structures are built using highest quality glass panes, which renders them, even greater advantages, namely noise and heat insulation as well as power saving ability. Translucent structures are about filling both horizontal and vertical planes of a building or facility with glass panes above an aluminum façade. Glass facades from our company represent minimum costs with always-high quality and versatility of designer solutions, which is a decisive factor for most satisfied customers who have already chosen Karvan-Glass.
It has been decades that architectural glass sheets have been utilized as a construction material. Over this time, manufacturers have achieved a significant success in terms of fabrication and finishing technology, bringing the glass properties almost to perfection. Increasingly pronounced in glass industry is the nanotechnology sector, which renders it specific and extraordinary properties in terms of operation and aesthetics, thus opening new bright perspectives for architects and designers. It would be fair to say that it was new safe multilayer glass items that helped discover most significant improvements of properties and capabilities of glass as a construction material. All valuable operation and technical properties of such glass are achieved by using a “sandwich” principle, i.e. by creating a multilayer composite structure with a polymer layer in between. It is still difficult to appreciate the whole significance and implications of this development. Regrettably, many issues of perfecting the technology and equipment that helps create multilayer glass (triplex production equipment) have been outside researchers’ focus of attention, thus hindering the practical development across the entire range of safety glass application. Most new properties are still unknown and require serious theoretical and experimental developments to uncover. Among these: detailed study of formation and development of multilayer glass production technology based on innovative polymer materials with a higher strength compared to existing materials, research of properties and application of hybrid structures based on new composite elements. The combination of fragile glass and plastic materials (for instance: polycarbonate and glass sandwich panels, glass and acryl tile etc.) enables to optimize the functionality of multi-layer shutterproof glass. It is beyond doubt that ongoing researches in this area will boost the improvement of existing and development of new approaches to designing and creating multilayer glass machines for industrial-scale production.
It often happens that people confuse glass panes and vinyl windows. These are not synonyms, however. A glass pane is a part and nearly crucial part of a window structure. This is a translucent structure consisting of two or more glasses that are fixed (glued) together along the outline using spacing bars and sealant compounds. Main functions of a glass pane: natural lighting, thermal and noise insulation. Glass panes are categorized by manufacturing process: standard, where molecular sieve is poured into a metal or vinyl spacer, after which the glued glass sheets are plastered along the edge with silicon, isomelt, polysulfide or polyurethane sealant compound, thus providing the secondary sealing. Warm edge technology-based manufacture This is a new and promising technology. It differs from the standard technology in that instead of several production steps as in the case with glass pane it involves only two (flexible spacer application, pressing), thus greatly saving time and cost. Such glass pane is warmer than that manufactured using a standard technology. As defined in GOST 24866, glass pane are categorized as follows: by number of chambers. A space between each two glass sheets is called a chamber. Glass panes can be single-chamber (two glass sheets), double-chamber (three glass sheets) and so on. by width The glass pane width is the full width considering its glass and air part. Glass panes can be 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 42, 44 etc. mm By glass type: regular energy-efficient glass with low-emission coating (hard or soft, also known as - or I-type) noise-resistant triplex sun-screening tinted or film-coated glass shutterproof glass with a high protection class.
A technology that creates a dim surface and renders it grainy and non-transparent (an operation contrary to polishing). The dimming allows drawing a picture on a glass surface. The dimming is widely used in manufacture of glass and ceramic dishware, decoration elements, imitation jewelry, souvenirs, glass furniture and other glass items. Glass dimming methods can be categorized by five groups: dimming by mechanical treatment; chemical dimming; application of dimmed coating by firing; application of dim paint coats; other dimming methods.
Karvan-Glass specialists carry out the vitrification of balconies and sunrooms using sliding aluminum and swing vinyl systems. If you plan a balcony vitrification, we suggest to select the profile (aluminum or vinyl), which requires comparing advantages of applied profile systems. Sliding aluminum systems represent the following advantages: practicability and usability; saving internal space; low weight; long life; affordable price. Swing vinyl systems represent the following advantages: high noise insulation; good heat insulation; long life; swing flaps ensure easy maintenance.
Acryl emulsion based and used for binding upper substrata layers (plastering, concrete, brick), ensuring adhesion to subsequent paint layer. It contains antimicrobial component slowing down growth of bacteria and mould. Solvent: Water. Expenditure: 1kg per 30-40m2 in single layer. Drying time: 2 hours at 200C
"KARVAN-L" company is one of the first specialized entities manufacturing lacquer products in Azerbaijan. Work experience gained in construction market allows to manufacture lacquer materials both for large users and ad-hoc products adjusted to customer requirements. Highlyskilled specialists of central plant laboratory develop the material formula with special features: physical-mechanical parameters; viscosity, adjusted to customer requirements; different structure of painted surface; frost-resistance, enabling savings during transportation and storage; change in coating and whiteness; changes in elasticity and firmness of top film layer. Modern high-performance equipment, own scientific and research base allows the company constantly expand range of manufactured products and increases its quality. Our company produces more than 50 types of lacquer products: masonry paints, priming, filler, enamel; lacquer materials for metal and timber protection; construction glue and sealers; pentaerythritol-modified phthalic varnish and sunflower oil, coloured and clear varnish for parquet, furniture and other timber materials. “KARVAN-L” products are certified by Azerbaijan Republic State Standard and SanEpidemNadzor (center of sanitary supervision and disease control) authorities. Our company is a repeated winner of contests for supply of masonry paint, road striping coatings and other materials for Construction programs of Baku Government.