Reclaim rubber has shown to be a reliable and affordable alternative to synthetic and natural rubber. It is manufactured using a de-vulcanization process, which recycles rubber from spare parts and scrap rubber items like auto tires, which work as basic material in the process.
Our reclaimed rubbers are ready stock in four (4) different qualities, which are Platinum, Standard, Premium, and Ecco. Pick the best suit to your needs!
Polybutadiene Rubber (PBR) is produced by solution polymerization process, has very high elasticity and degree of resistance to dynamic stress, and retains these properties even at extremely low temperatures. Blending natural rubber or styrene-butadiene rubber with PBR improves the abrasion resistance, crack resistance and heat build-up under dynamic load.
1 Bale, wrapped in polyethylene film = 35 kg
1 Pallet (36 Bales) = 1.26 MT ±18 kg
1 Container (19 Pallets), 40-ft FCL = 23.94 MT
NBR Latex is a milky liquid synthetic latex, which is excellent in tensile strength and oil resistance, and is used in rubber products such as medical and laboratory gloves.
Field latex is a white or slightly yellowish opaque liquid with a specific gravity, which varies between 0.974 and 0.986. It is a weak lyophilic colloidal system of spherical or pear shaped rubber globules suspended in an acquiesces serum. Field latex is centrifuged to manufacture latex concentrated of 60% rubber content. Centrifuged latex is commercially available in two different varieties, one with high ammonia (above 0.60%) and the other with Low Ammonia (less than 0.30%). It also contains secondary preservatives like TMTD (0.0125%) and zinc oxide (0.0125%). Grading, packing, and making of centrifuged latex are as per specifications prescribed in IS 5430.
SVR10, SVR20 are Standard Vietnamese Rubber made from dried, concentrated cup lump and lace rubber. At the factory, materials are strictly treated through many steps to extract foreign matter, dirtâ?¦ aiming to have finished products that is suitable to the standards TCVN 3769 of Vietnam.
Finished product SVR10, SVR20 with dark brown yellow color applied for producing rubber products as such as tire, outsole and others.
The Po inde x of this rubber is high (Po > 30), so it is very suitable for products that require high elasticity, high wear resistance, high durability such as car tires, belts, cables and wires. .vv
Contact me soon to have the best price.
We can manufacture Rubber Compound, unvulcanized, for many applications, The compound shall be given with compound in the shape of Chemical mixed with Rubber, for processing.