fittings for air and liquid connections.Automobile, engineering Machinery, Lathe, Machinery, Metallurgy, Petroleum, mine, construction, chemical industry, shipbuilding, spacecraft, military, Textile, Ocean,Recreation, Electronics and many other fields related with hydraulic and their delivery system of fluid and gas
high Quality Standards
As an ISO 9001 certificated manufactory, we ensure that our design and manufacturing processes are the highest quality by maintaining proper certification and in-house inspections.
Under the requirement of ISO, we have a rotating gage calibration schedule to make sure the dimensions of each fitting component is 100% accurate based on specified measurements.
We have a professional quality inspection team. Individually trained employees control the manufacturing process with strict statistical analysis and control. We can ensure that each identical fitting component you order is true to the design specifications.
Our tube fittings ensure:
1)safe, reliable and leak-proof connection;
2)Easy to install, disconnect and retighten;
3)No torque is transmitted to tubing during installation
We provide our fasteners for Light to Heavy Enginnering Industries, Electrical & Electronics, Telecom, Automobiles, Fertilizers & Chemicals, Hydrualics & Pneumatics, Aeronautics, Pumps & Valves, Air - Condition & Refridgeration, Cement, Sugar, Machine Tools, Packaging, Textile, Pharmaceutical, Plastic Injection Moulding Machineries, etc. industries. Our wide range of Standard and Non - Standard Products offers a reliable source for various industrial requirements with World Class Quality.
Foze Bird International is a hardware trading and selling of Drywall Screw, Chipboard Screw, tapping Screw, drilling Screw. non-standard fasteners, standard fasteners. special nuts, bolts screw, non-standard screws, stainless steel screw, high precision, high quality screw, etc. Now our products has been supplied to building materials factory, furniture factory, And we widely exported to US, UK, Australia, Africa.