Appearance White paste Ingredient Mineral oil Thickener Lithium soap NIGL 2# Work penetration,25 C 0.1mm 265~295 Drop point 190 Run off(99 C ,22h)% 1.2 Oil separation@100 C/30h) 3.9 Copper strip corrosion(200 C,30h) Qualified Operating temperature -25~140 C(-13 ~110 F
Appearance Yellow paste Ingredient Mineral oil Thickener Lithium soap NIGL 2# Work penetration,25 C 0.1mm 265~295 Drop point 190 Run off(99C ,22h)% 1.2 Oil separation@100C/30h) 3.9 Copper strip corrosion(200C,30h) Qualified Work temperature -25~140C(-13~110F
EXCEL PREMIUM 4T 20W-50 is an unique semi-synthetic 4-stroke lubricant designed for modern high-speed air-cooled 4-stroke motorcycles. Its semi-synthetic technology provides exceptionally good wear protection to engine parts by reducing friction inside the engine operating under severe conditions where conventional 4-stroke lubricants fail to perform
LUBRINOX EXCEL 4T is premium 4-stroke multi-grade engine oil specially developed to fulfill the requirements of all modern 4-stroke motorcycles. Excel 4T exhibits excellent protection to the engine, gearbox and wet clutch in 4-stroke motorcycles and provides reliability even in severe operating conditions.
ADOLF7 Automotive Industries Private Limited is a wide range of automotive and industrial lubricants, greases, engine oil manufacturing, supplying, and exporting company in India. Mr. Anil Sharma laid the foundation stone of the company. We are an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company in Delhi, India, established in 2017. If you still have related doubts, call our experts now.
Lubricant oil for high grade quality
GOLD SUPER 4T PLUS 20W-40 API SN is a superior quality motorcycle oil engineered to enhance the power and performance of all the new age two-wheelers; meeting API SN, JASO MA-2 requirements. It provides longer engine life, smooth clutch operation and maximum gear & wears protection along with longer drain interval.
It is recommended for lubrication of industrial plain/roller bearings, electric motor bearings, water pump bearings, conveyors, machine tools, automotive wheel bearings, various chassis parts operating under moderate load and moderate temperature conditions.
SCOPE PEGASO SN SCOPE PEGASO Fully Synthetic Oil has been formulated for latest on-road, high-performance and turbo-charged, inter-cooled direct injection high performance gasoline and diesel engines with normal SAPS passenger car portfolio. It provides outstanding protection against engine wear under high-temperature and high engine speed conditions. It is blended from synthetic base components, highly shear stable viscosity modifiers and premium tier additive package. Suitable for ACEA 2012 normal SAPS requirements formulations.
SCOPE Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil CJ4 SCOPE Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil the latest highest quality in Diesel Engine Oil meeting the API CJ4 Standards. It is designed for high speed, four stroke engines designed to meet exhaust emission standards, CJ4 oils are compounded for use in all applications with diesel fuels ranging in sulfur content up to 500 PPM. It is effective at sustaining emission control system durability and oil drain intervals. Main benefits Meets exhaust emission standards Long oil drain intervals Excellent control on particulate filter blocking engine wear, piston deposits. Excellent low and high temperature stability Excellent oxidation and foam control. Excellent control on viscosity loss due to shear. Application SCOPE Denim 9050 ultra super D.E oil can be used for all latest highly rated turbo charged 4 stroke diesel engines under all operating conditions when sulfur content up to 500 PPM.
SCOPE EFFOL EP GL5 Automotive Gear Lubricants SCOPE EFFOL EP GEAR LUBES blended with highly refined mineral base oil and selective additives for use in heavy duty operations are used in commercial fleet, manual transmission, axles and final drives. Protects from rust & corrosion and low temperature properties, gives good start in cold weather. Main Benefits Excellent anti-wear and anti-rust characteristics. Resistance to oxidation and oil thickening. Maximize equipment life and assist smooth shifting in manual transmission. Outstanding performance against low speed/high torque wear and high speed scoring. Protects against corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous components. Excellent load carrying capability in severe operating conditions. Compatible with all type of seals to avoid leakage. Application SCOPE EFFOL EP GEAR Lubricants are recommended for use in Hypoid gears, compatible with seal and gasket material used in automotive gears. Drive axle, trucks, and taxicabs, contracting and farming equipment.
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID DEXRON III SCOPE Mercur D-III is a superior quality automatic transmission fluid meeting General Motors GM Dexron III Specifications. It is a special fluid with highly improved performance over DEXRON IID and DEXRON IIE carefully formulated multifunctional power transmission fluid which satisfies the latest requirements of passenger cars and commercial vehicle automatics, has the facility and oiliness suited to the requirements of modern automatic gear boxes. It has extremely low temperature fluidity. Main Benefits Excellent shift fueling Extremely low temperature fluidity Shear stability & wear protection Maximum oil drain interval High temperature oxidation stability Application SCOPE Mercur Dexron III is recommended for use in automotive automatic transmissions, Hydraulic systems, power steering and certain manual transmissions.
SCOPE SUPER 3000 HEAVY DUTY BRAKE FLUID DOT 4 SCOPE Super 3000 Heavy Duty Brake & Clutch Fluid DOT- 4 is a premium glycol type quality automotive Brake fluid meeting the specifications of DOT- 4 & DOT 3, SAE J 1704, ISO 4925 and FMVSS No. 116. Main Benefits Low volatility and low pour point ensure performance in normal temperature range. Provide protection against rust and corrosion. Compatible with rubber seals. Miscible with other approved glycol ether. Good braking response. Reduces chances of vapor lock. Application SCOPE Super 3000 Heavy Duty Brake Fluid Dot 4 is generally used in disc and drums brake systems as well as clutch fluid meeting above standards.
SCOPE ANTI-FREEZE CONCENTRATE SCOPE Anti-Freeze Concentrate is a mono-ethylene Glycol based fluid with anti-rust inhibitor. The concentrate is suitable for all passenger cars, light and heavy duty vehicles. It provides higher boiling point and lower freezing point than water which makes it anti-boil and anti-freeze coolant. Main Benefits Protect against rust and corrosion. Provide excellent heat transfer characteristics. Compatible with all rubber hoses used in cooling systems. Good solubility and stability in both soft and hard water. Outstanding anti-freeze property. Application SCOPE Anti-Freeze Concentrate can be used in all petrol engine cars, 4 WDs, Light and heavy diesel vehicles. It can also be used at 30-50% in softened or de-mineralized water for automotive cooling systems.
SCOPE AMPLE MP NLGI 2 & 3 SCOPE AMPLE EP GREASE NLGI 1, 2 & 3 HIFO LITHIUM MULTIFUNCTIONAL GREASE Premium Lithium Complex Grease Premium Lithium Complex Grease with 3% MoS2 AMPLE GP GREASE NLGI 2 & 3 SCOPE Multipurpose Lithium Greases are made from refined mineral base oil thickened with lithium soap, castor oil and anti-rust and anti-oxidant additives to provide reliable grease for automotive applications. Main Benefits Outstanding water resistance. Good mechanical and thermal stability. Good anti-corrosion and anti-rust Application Automotive applications such as wheel bearings, chassis points, universal joints. Industrial equipments applications between temperatures ranging from -200 c to 1200
Chemtex Radikool is a glycol coolant antifreeze for absorbing and dissipating engine heat effectively. Glycol based high performance radiator coolant helps in regulating system temperature and ensuring corrosion free heat transfer system. Recommended for use in all latest model vehicles, including diesel, petrol vehicle and heavy-duty diesel application. The added corrosion inhibitor package is fully compatible with brass, copper, steel, iron and other components such as rubber hoses, rubber seals, protecting these against rust and corrosion, improving engine operational efficiency.
petrol engine oil SAE 20W50 Available in 4,5,6 Liter can packaging.
Yellow transparent mp3 lithium grease get all kinds of packages