Product Name: White Refined Cane Sugar
Origin: Thailand
Color: white(sparkle)
ICUMSA Maximum 45 attenuation index Units (ICUMSA method #) 4-1978
Radiation: Within cS-137 of 50 BQ per kg
Polarization: 99, 80 % minimum
Moisture: 00.04% maximum
Sulphateash content: 00.04% maximum
Solubility: 100% dry and free flowing
Conductivity Ash:0.02% max.
Invert sugar: 0.027
Granulation: fine
Average Grain Size:0.06mm
Grain size 20Mesh :1.8 %
Grain size 100Mesh : 1.3 %
Metalic particle: none
Foreign matter: none
Free from dust particles
Free from pesticide
Pathogenic bacteria CFU/g: none
Yeast CFU/g :none
Mold CFU/g :none
Coliform CFU/g negative
Smell: Typical and specific for sugar
Magnetic particles: Mg/Kg 4 max
Sulphur Dioxide: 20 Mg/Kg min
Sediments: None
Reducing sugar: 0.05% Max by weight
HPN Staph Aureus: Not detected in 1 gram
Maximum AS: 1 P.P.M.
Maximum PB: 1 P.P.M.
Maximum CU: 3 P.P.M.
Substance: Solid Crystal
Crop: 2020
Shelf Life: 2 years