Two Face Cajon 3 In 1 Super Gloss With Laser Logo. If you need a deluxe looking Cajon that shows your taste of luxurious percussion style, this Cajon is for you. Not just merely a deluxe look, but it offers a unique two face Cajon that brings 3 different sounds in 1 cajon. The sound produced on one faceplate comes from the 4+4 Flamenco Multi String system, while on the other faceplate you have On / Off Snare system where you can choose to play with or without the snare sound. We also installed our patented bassport system that brings a deep bass tone. The deluxe look of the cajon with super gloss natural white teak body finishing and 2 faceplates with coffee brown doff & walnut doff finishing style, surely will make you the center of attention.