Concrete Spacer Mold occupies a very important position in the whole Concrete Spacer machien equipment. The product appearance, quality and production efficiency of the whole equipment play a decisive role. Therefore, when choosing Concrete Spacer Mold, most of our producers must select those with strength and complete set of Mold processing experience for cooperation. In order not to cause you unnecessary loss. Now let's discuss the processing technology of Concrete Spacer Mold. First of all, we should consider which Concrete Spacer Mold. Which device is used? Then choose what type of steel to work with. The steel material determines the life of Concrete Spacer Mold. Then according to the steel material to carry on the treatment, the treatment method has carburized, nitriding, carburizing and so on. Heat treatment depends on the type of steel you choose. The next step is welding. According to the processing technology of the previous parts, select suitable welding materials for welding, and pay attention to the deformation coefficient of steel when welding. Deform as much as possible, and then after all welding is carried out mold up and down correction. If the upper and lower molds do not have friction when calibrating, the gap is generally controlled within 0.5-0.75mm.