1. Stable running Use of advanced electronic control technology, stable and reliable hydraulic system, mature and reliable seismic pressure molding technology, the advanced hydraulic, mechanical and electrical integration, automatic control, full synchronization in a reliable way, pure vertical technology, unique compactness and strength of the product. 2. Unique storage device of unique storage device, which avoids the early liquefaction of concrete under the influence of residual vibration, so as to ensure uniform and uniform material of the product. 3. Unique forced feeding device unique forced feeding device, in particular the production of fly ash products, can ensure rapid and full of die each product in the feed, dense, for producing concrete porous brick, more play DongWei equipment unique characteristics. 4. Unique vibration mode with unique vibration mode can make the concrete fully liquefied in 2 to 3 seconds to ensure high density, high strength and high efficiency of production. 5. Raw material widely, the realization of large dosage of fly ash can be used as cement, sand, stone, fly ash, coal gangue, ceramsite, slag, steel slag, cinder and various kinds of industrial waste, building slag as raw materials, different raw materials using scientific and reasonable formula, can produce different quality requirements of products. 6. One-machine multi-purpose, to meet the market demand through the transformation mold, production standard bricks, porous bricks, various specifications bearing weight, non-load-bearing block, wet block and other wall materials; Production chain transfer, planting grass brick, square brick, etc., to increase secondary cloth device can produce double color concrete brick, color pavement brick, grass brick, etc., block molding machine multi-function fully meet the market requirements. 7. How ability Rated DongWei block molding machine production line production capacity range from 50000 to 120000 cubic meters (standard block), can meet the production requirements of different users, to adapt to the situation of China automation configuration, customers can choose according to fund condition.