MCU, CPLD, FPGA Code Extraction From the early 90's to the present day our company has helped hundreds of it's customers to accomplish their goals. Years of experience and the latest, most modern laboratory equipment form a strong and efficient team, which is always ready to help you with your matters. In our laboratory we provide our service on MCU Research - MCU crack,MCU attack,MCU extraction,MCU service,MCU reverse,MCU brake,MCU decryption and recover microcode from almost any MCU, CPLD or FPGA. MCU Manufactorys: MICROCHIP, ATMEL, EMC MICON, ZILOG, ALTERA, LG/HYUNDAI, PHILIPS, XILINX, WINBOND, INTEL, MOTOROLA, LATTICE, MACH(PSD), SST, ISSI, CPLD, GAL, ATMEL(AVR), SYNCMOS, HOLTEK, CYPRESS and so on.