The down-the-hole hammer is a new type valveless hammer driven by compress air.It is the ideal rock drillling tool with advages of large impact energy,high penetration rate,long service life,good efficiency of drilling cuttings removal,easy operation,reliable working performance and so on.
TH----for wet drilling
Wadely applied to all kinds of rock boring hole drilling and excellent in projects for casing system and water well drilling.
Can be matched to various types of hammers popular in the world and drill the holes from 76mm to 1200mm in diameter.
TS----for deep hole and super deep hole drilling
Can be meet to the needs of drilling holes from 203mm to 660mm in diameters.
TG----for drying drilling
Have stable performance, fast speed, long service life in sleeves, and 10% less air consumption than other ordinary hammers, and can also work well without the foot valves.
Drill holes from 90mm to 254mm.
All our Hammers can be easily adapted to accept different types of bit shanks as COP, BR, DHD, SD, XL QL, MACH, Halco and Mission by simply changing a few basic components. Several models are available in Heavy-Duty format to suit particularly arduous and abrasive drilling conditions.