The TVR thyristor automatic feeder voltage regulator is used primarily on medium-voltage distribution lines. In TVR, power electronic on-load tap changing switches are employed in place of those used in the SVR feeder voltage regulator, resulting in quicker regulation and more frequent operation, ideal for distribution lines with severe voltage fluctuations and/or longer lines. TVR can maintain the power feeding voltage at desired level, reduce power loss over the line, thus improving power supply quality significantly. 1. Rated voltage: 6kVíó10kVíó 35kV 2ú« Voltage capacity: í_4000kVAú¿6kVú¬ í_8000kVAú¿10kVú¬ í_20000kVAú¿35kVú¬ 3. Rated frequency: 50 Hz 4. Phase number: 3 5ú« Range of voltage regulation: (can be customized for special requirements) 6ú« Operation time of voltage regulator: í_100ms 7ú« Cooling: ONAN