High Gelling Lubricant Bentonite: Description & Applications High gelling lubricant bentonite is a special formula to achieve drilling in very high permeable formations such as loose sands and gravels. It is formulated to provide a very high viscosity, fluid loss control, good support and bore hole cleaning in water based mud systems that meets HDD, Tunnel boring, pipe jacking and diaphragm wall drilling requirements specially for very high permeable formations and sites near offshore area. Reduces friction between pipe and soil. Prevent ground collapsing into the annulus and causing settlement. Provides lubrication. Helps to develop a layer of filter-cake on the micro-tunnel front acting as a membrane and inhibiting diffusion of the suspension into ground. Reduces the jacking force. Transports the excavated material from the face. Improves the flow of excavated material. Provides quick viscosity and lubrication. Reduces fluid loss during excavations.