South Korea (Republic Of Korea)
Jinsung Electronics company produces High-end Rigid-Flex PCB which is used for multiple product groups such as smartphones, camera module, electric apparatuses, medical devices, defense articles, and so on supplying to domestic and global market
1. LAYER : 6 Layer (FLEXIBLE 2 layer+RIGID 4 layer) 6-2-6
2. Application : Inspection equipment of Semiconductor
3. Thickness : 0.5T
4. Structure : 1-2LBVH ,2-3L BVH 1-4 STACK BVH , 4-6BVH , 56BVH
5. Machine Drill : Min. 0.25mm
6. Cu Plating : VIA FILL + PTH
7. BGA(LAND/PTICH) : 0.3 mm / 0.4pitch