Cat. No : 601430050. Truenat COVID-19 Chip-based Real Time PCR Test is a semi quantitative detection of SARS CoV-2 RNA in human oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swab specimen and aids in detection and confirmation of SARS CoV-2 infection and diagnosis of COVID-19. The test detects the E and Orf1a genes of the virus. Providing you the best range of Molbio Trueprep Auto Universal Cartridge Based Sample Prep Device, Molbio Trueprep AUTO Universal Cartridge Based Sample Prep Kit, Molbio Trueprep AUTO MTB Sample Pre Treatment Pack Kit, Molbio Trueprep AUTO Universal Sample Pre-treatment Pack and Molbio Trueprep AUTO Transport Medium for Swab Specimen Pack with effective & timely delivery.