One of the serious problems of natural environment protection during oil and gas production is liquidation ground by oil pollution. Oil and mineral oils disturbed ecological state of top-soils as a whole deformed biocoenosis structure. In results of damages (oil) pipe lines, oil-processing and petroleum distillating plants a great deal of oil and oil production comes in ground. Cleaning and reconstruction of in ecocatastrophe region realizes properly polluted ground impressments from pollution place with its posterior cleaning by chemical and biological methods or its, immediately contiguous to technological object also to environment air and burial on special firing range. Elimination the oil flood permits to greatly improve sanitary state not only on territories water. Oil hydrocarbons decomposition intensity and character in ground mainly defined by functional activity hydrocarbono-xidizing bacteria (HOB) capable to assimilate oil as a single carbon spring. Method biological or polluted burial on special firing range was not find wide application. Since the first method is virtual during of the ground pollution more than 5-10%. And second method is not widespread for the reason of loose huge number of grounds.
During last years new compositional structure are developed by “Karvan L” company staff on the basis of surfactant species “LD500IF”. The reagent successfully passed work bench measurements on hydro-cyclone units and effectiveness of the feagent is 98 -99 % during expenditure norm 20-25 mg/l.