1. Scalpel blades 15 - sterile, 100/box, blades are made of high grade vacuum tempered carbon steel.
2. Scalpel blades 21 - sterile, 100/box, blades are made of high grade vacuum tempered carbon steel.
3. Scalpel handle, 7 - fits 9, 10, 11, 12, 12d, 13, 15, 15c blades
4. Scalpel handle, 4l long - fits 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36 blades
5. Ragnell kilner scissors, 13cm, curved - flattened at distal end
6. Adson delicate tissue and suture forceps, 15cm, 1x2 teeth
7. Adson brown delicate tissue forceps, 12cm, 9x9 teeth, straight - atraumatic
8. Potts smith tissue forceps, 20cm, 1x2 teeth - delicate
9. Potts smith tissue forceps, 25cm, 1x2 teeth - delicate
10. Wright derf t.C. Needle holder, 12.5cm, serrated - "hm' tungsten carbide
11. Mayo hegar t.C. Needle holder, 15cm - "hm' tungsten carbide
12. Mayo hegar t.C. Needle holder, 23cm - "hm' tungsten carbide
13. Backhaus towel clamp, 8.5cm
14. Joseph skin hook, double prong, sharp, 16cm, 10mm wide
15. Stevens supercut tenotomy scissors, 10.5cm, curved, blunt - delicate
16. Supercut mayo scissors, 14cm, straight
17. Supercut gorney scissors, 23cm, curved
18. Supercut gorney freeman scissors, 23cm, curved solz "gold tip"
19. Supercut scissors, 20cm, curved, slight bevel on shank - special tip design enables an ideal and atraumatic separation of the different tissue layers solz "gold tip"
20. Supercut scissors, 20cm, curved, strong bevel on shank - special tip design enables an ideal and atraumatic separation of the different tissue layers
21. Farabeuf baby retractors, 12cm, double ended, set of 2
22. Israel retractor, 25cm, 6 blunt prongs, 60mm wide x 50mm deep
23. Saldanha solz abdominal retractor, 37cm
24. Solz navel marker, 29cm, 180x40mm - exact re-positioning of the navel in relation to the original position. Secure tracing of the navel position on the abdominal skin after lightening procedures. Sufficient span length for thicker abdomens.
Packed in a kit.