Letter of Introduction
Vigonza, Padova,30/04/ 2010
To the attention of: Manager
Dear Sirs,
We have pleasure to introduce to your attention our revolutionary machine to produce a new kind of paper bag .
BM-01 philosophy grows out of a critical analysis of known production methods for paper bags thanks to the 20-years experience in the packaging branch of industry .
Our company has planned, developed and produces the new machine BM-01 for the new concept of paper bag, the JBBAG .
We invite you to visit our web site www.jbmachines.com ;
inside you can find a simple presentation and some example products .
We trust we shall hear from you in the near future for your new business in paper bags thank to our machine .
Please, donÆt hesitate to write or call us for any questions at the mail address below .
Yours faithfully
Najia Disky. n.disky@jbmachines.it
Phone: 0039 049 5566557
Mobile: 0039 333 33 900 98.