Aluminium INGOT A7 99.7%
lnternational Standart
for sale by one supplier
Country of Origins:
Same standard of product.
South Am�©rica: Chile, Bolivia, Brazil.
Europe: Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden
Asia: UAE
Prices : CIF
$1950 USD x TM from 10.000 TM to 19.999 TM.
$1850 from 20.000 TM
Posibility of Mark Up : Free range ( 50% for seller, 50 for broker % that has the buyer)
Of you dont Mark it up buyer and His broker must negociate comisi�³n.
we can Split it 50 porcent with the buyers mandate if there Is not Mark up.
Contract : 1 year or More.
m�¡ximum quantity: 1.000.000 TM x month
* it's possible this request Ist with stock from different countries.
Minimum quiantity: 10.000 MT.
Payment ( non negociable)
Seller's Price on 100% DLC OR SBLC any world safe port basis (Cost, insurance & Freight} - lncoterms 2010 will be Applied.
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