Commodity 1 provides beryllium directly from the mine site to the global market. There are no middlemen involved, only our staff on the ground. We strive to organize smooth and transparent transactions. We believe in building long-term relationships with our customers.
Beryl Composition Analysis
Element Approximate Percentage Range
Beryllium (Be) 0.1% 3% or less
Aluminum (Al) 10% 25% or more
Silicon (Si) 10% 30% or more
Iron (Fe) 0.1% 2%
Manganese (Mn) Trace a few percent
Lithium (Li) Trace few tenths of a percent
Sodium (Na) Trace less than 1%
Potassium (K) Trace less than 1%
Calcium (Ca) 0.1% 1%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.1% 1%
Tin (Sn) Trace below 0.1%
Fluorine (F) Varies, can be 7% 8% or higher (in emeralds)
Phosphorus (P) Trace below 0.1%
Sulfur (S) Trace below 0.1%
Supplier: Beryllium ore
Supplier: Beryllium ore
Buyer: Beryllium ore