Nutritional Benefits: IR64 (Parimal) rice is a nutritious option, offering high carbohydrates for energy and being easy to digest. It has a low glycemic index, making it suitable for blood sugar control, and contains essential nutrients like iron and B vitamins, supporting overall health and vitality.
A well-liked medium-grain rice type that is extensively grown in India, Parimal, also called IR 64 Rice, is renowned for its adaptability and low cost. IR 64 rice is frequently used in homes, restaurants, and the food service sector because of its medium grain size and soft cooked texture, which make it perfect for daily meals. Due to its non-stickiness, this type of rice is ideal for a number of traditional cuisines as well as steamed and fried rice dishes.
Parimal/IR 64 rice is easy to digest and high in carbs, making it a wonderful source of energy. It is a great option for export markets, serving areas where rice is a staple diet because of its affordability and mass availability. Consistent in taste and dependable in quality. IR 64 rice is a popular option for people looking for a balance between price and quality because it is consistently tasty and of high quality