Price : 99.00 / Kilogram
Business Type : Manufacturer, Supplier
Material : Polyethylene Plastic
Thickness : 1 mm
Application : Packaging
Preferred Buyer From
Location : Anywhere in India
Product Details
Brand Name : Indu Multipack Industries
Pack Type : Roll
High Density Polyethylene Sheets (HDPE) Description Max.Width- 1400mm Thickness- 0.2mm to 6.00mm Surface Finish- Plain, Glossy, Matt & Embossed Colours- As per customer requirement Size- Cut to size or rolls as per customer requirements Applications Luggage Stiffener Shock Absorbers Lining Rain Water Gutter Lining Card Cans Automobile Parts Packing (fabrication) Automobile components by Vac.Forming process
Low Density Polyethylene Sheets (LDPE) LDPE Sheets manufactured by us are used mainly in vauccm forming applciations for Packaging and automobile industries. These sheets are available in Plain, and textured finishes. Specifications Max.Width- 1450mm Thickness- 0 25- 5mm Surface Finish- Plain, Glossy, Matt & Embossed (Textured) Colours- Plain and Custom colors Size- Cut to size or rolls as per customer requirements Applications Automobile components by Vacuum Forming Process FabricationLDPE Sheets manufactured by us are used mainly in vauccm forming applciations for Packaging and automobile industries. These sheets are available in Plain, and textured finishes.
Application of our products transportation machinery :guide rail, convey belt, convey devices lide block seat, fixing board, product flow line timing star wheel, food processing machinery: with its performance of high wear resistance.
Application of our products Transportation machinery: Guide rail, convey belt, convey device slide block seat, fixing board, product flow line timing star wheel --Food processing machinery: With its performance of high wear resistance, anti-impact resistance, inadhesion resistance, non-toxic and clean property, UHMWPE material can be used in planet wheel, bottle convey counting bolt, filler bearing, bottle holder parts, washer guide bolts, air cylinder, gear, roller cone, chain wheel handle, which is easy-cleaning, long-enduring, and anti-mildew. --Paper making machinery: With its performance of high wear resistance and good self-lubrication, UHMWPE material can be used in water suction tank cover, skew guide wheels,scrapper , bearing, nozzle, filter, oil tank, friction bar, felt cleaner. --Textile machinery: With its performance of high-wear resistance, anti-impact and good self-lubrication, UHMWPE material can be used in scutcher, shock absorber shield, contactor, crankshaft connecting rod, picker stick, skew rod shaft sleeve, swing rear beam. --Construction machinery/agriculture machinery: Bulldozer blade lining. Dumper ripper lining, tractor plow inner lining. --Chemical machinery: Valve, pump, washer, filter, gear, nuts, seal rings, nozzle, plug, shaft sleeve, thread pipe. --Port machinery/ship machinery: Ship parts, suspension bridge side roller, friction block. Ordinary machinery: All types of gear, bushing, liner, sliding plate, clutch, guiding unit, brake, hinge, flexible coupler, roller, bearing wheel, fastening unit, platform sliding unit. --Dyeing decor: Dip dyeing machine bearing, scrapper, sliding plate, lining washer, seal, framing guide disc, --Culture and sport products: Snow dip liner, powered sledge, skating rink paver, ice field protection frame. --Healthcare products: Shape righting surgery, artificial joint, artificial limb. --Other: Cooling machine, nuclear power plant shield, electric galvanized parts, and ultra-low temperature machine parts.Mostly using of its high-wear resistance, high anti-impact resistance, anti-cold resistance, self-lubrication.
borated polyethylene, supplied by Hongbao, is a lightweight, cost-effective neutron shielding solution to attenuate and absorb neutron radiation. Our borated polyethylene contains 2~30% boron content (by weight). We also offer other borated polyethylene sheet with other boron content. Used in the medical, nuclear, and industrial marketplaces borated polyethylene is ideal for medical vaults and doors, particle accelerators, hot cells, nuclear storage and transport containers, and nuclear detection systems. For easy installation, borated polyethylene comes can provide a customised dimension. Another word, we offer CNC machining solutions to create custom sizes and shapes to your specifications.
We are one of the leading manufacturers of plastic sheets, rods, stretch film, pp-hd pipes & pvc compounds in the country. We offer superior quality plastic sheets, rods, stretch film, pp-hd pipes & pvc compounds in pvc, ppcp, pphp, hdpe, uhmwpe, ppgl, lldpe and ldpe. Sheets with a thickness range of 1 mm to 200 mm and width up to 2500 mm and also pride ourselves in having one of the highest production capacities in the country. We also supply pp and pph pipes. The application of our product are in various field such as in all type of galvanizing plant, crude oil tank lining, water sewage treatment plants, construction, mine industry, chemical plant, electroplating plants, lining work, surface treatments, organic industries, food industries, automobiles, engineering parts, leather industries and textile industries. With strong technical base and having more than 20 years of experience in polymer, we approach to your good offices to enlist our name in the list of your approved suppliers and forward us your valuable enquiries. -
Plastic sheet Size:1220mm*2440mm/1250mm*2050mm/2050mm*3050mm Thickness:0.5-15mm Packing:2sides covered with pe film; waterproof;pallet
Applicationofourproducts Transportationmachinery:guiderail, conveybelt, conveydeviceslideblockseat, fixingboard, productflowlinetimingstarwheel Foodprocessingmachinery:withitsperformanceofhighwearresistance, anti-impactresistance, inadhesionresistance, non-toxicandcleanproperty, uhmwpematerialcanbeusedinplanetwheel, bottleconveycountingbolt, fillerbearing, bottleholderparts, washerguidebolts, aircylinder, gear, rollercone, chainwheelhandle, whichiseasy-cleaning, long-enduring, andanti-mildew. Papermakingmachinery:withitsperformanceofhighwearresistanceandgoodself-lubrication, uhmwpematerialcanbeusedinwatersuctiontankcover, skewguidewheels, scrapper, bearing, nozzle, filter, oiltank, frictionbar, feltcleaner. Textilemachinery:withitsperformanceofhigh-wearresistance, anti-impactandgoodself-lubrication, uhmwpematerialcanbeusedinscutcher, shockabsorbershield, contactor, crankshaftconnectingrod, pickerstick, skewrodshaftsleeve, swingrearbeam. Constructionmachinery/agriculturemachinery:bulldozerbladelining.Dumperripperlining, tractorplowinnerlining. Chemicalmachinery:valve, pump, washer, filter, gear, nuts, sealrings, nozzle, plug, shaftsleeve, threadpipe. Portmachinery/shipmachinery:shipparts, suspensionbridgesideroller, frictionblock. Ordinarymachinery:alltypesofgear, bushing, liner, slidingplate, clutch, guidingunit, brake, hinge, flexiblecoupler, roller, bearingwheel, fasteningunit, platformslidingunit. Dyeingdecor:dipdyeingmachinebearing, scrapper, slidingplate, liningwasher, seal, framingguidedisc, Cultureandsportproducts:snowdipliner, poweredsledge, skatingrinkpaver, icefieldprotectionframe. Healthcareproducts:shaperightingsurgery, artificialjoint, artificiallimb. Other:coolingmachine, nuclearpowerplantshield, electricgalvanizedparts, andultra-lowtemperaturemachineparts.Mostlyusingofitshigh-wearresistance, highanti-impactresistance, anti-coldresistance, self-lubrication.