Red Snapper (lutjanus Malabaricus) A subspecies of the snapper the red snapper is a regular inhabitant of western Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf of Mexico. You find red snapper in areas where reefs are common. Its body shape is quite similar to the other snapper fishes. It has a sloped profile, medium scales, spiny dorsal fin and a compressed body. By the time the red snapper matures it reaches a length of around 39 cm or 15 inches. Adulthood you would find them at a length of 60 cm going up to 100 cm in some cases. So far its maximum weight that has been recorded is around 38 kg. The colour as the name indicates is red and intense pigmentation can be seen on the back of the fish. The red snapper is a prized catch and people catch it for both commercial and recreational purposes. In Continental USA the red snapper is around 50% of the fish that is caught. Red snappers can themselves eat anything however the preference is mostly for crustaceans and small fishes. These fish are soft eaters and if you are trying to catch them they would nibble on the bait and escape from your clutches hence multiple hooked baits are used. PACKING IF 1x20Kg GRADE 500/700, 700/1000, 1000/2000, 2000/3000, 3000 Up
Red Snapper Fish Product : Red Snapper (Lutjanus Spp.) Whole GGS Fillets Natural Cut Fillets Portion Cut Size : 1 kg to 3 kgs/pc 1/2 to 16/20 oz/pc 6/8 to 10/12 oz/pc
Common Name: Golden Snapper Alternative Names: Fingermark Sea Perch Scientific Name: Lutjanus johnii Process type: Whole Round Size range: 200/300 gms; 300/500 gms Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box Method of Catch: LHP - Hand Lines & Pole Lines (Hand Operated) Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Maldives its long history of fishing, carries out a more responsible and sustainable form of fisheries. We are highly committed to quality and freshness of our raw materials which comes from the unpolluted waters around us. Due to this our products are the best environmental choice around the globe. Our fisherman are well trained and fishing boats are well equipped with the most modern facilities. Our processing plants work strictly according to HACCP rules. A certified quality controller critically tests each fish for Histamine and other health issues. Our Products are packed in to European standard approved by the EU. Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares G&G whole fish Packing: Average weight of fish30 - 80kg Weight of cardboard boxes with gel ice 100 - 115kg Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares H&G whole fish Packing: Average weight of fish30 - 80kg Weight of cardboard boxes with gel ice 100 - 115kg Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares Loins A grade wrapped Packing: Average weight of loins 2 - 4kg Weight of cardboard boxes with gel ice 30 - 33kg Emperor Red snapper Lutjanus sabae Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 1 - 5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Humpback Snapper Lutjanus gibbus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Two-spot Red Snapper Lutjanus bohar Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 1 - 3kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Tomato Rockcod-Seabass Cephalopholis sonnerati Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Brownspotted Grouper Epinephelus chlorostigma Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg White-blotched Grouper Epinephelus multinotatus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 2 - 8kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Banded Grouper Epinephelus fasciatus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Coral Trout Cephalopolis miniata Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Moontail Red Seabass Variola louti Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Mahi Mahi Coryphaena hippurus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 2 - 15kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Barracuda Sphyraena barracuda Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 2 - 10kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Parrotfish Scarus ghobban Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,6 - 3kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Goat fish Parupeneus indicus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,1 - 0,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg
Blood Red Snapper Common Name: Red Snapper Alternative Names: Creek Red Bream, Dog Bream, Mangrove Red Snapper, Purple Sea Perch, Purple Sea-perch, Red Bass, Red Bream, Red Perch, Red Reef Bream, River Roman or Rock Barramundi Scientific Name: Lutjanus argentimaculatus Process type: Whole Round; Gilled & Gutted; Fillets; Steaks; Portions Size range: ½ kgs; 2/4 kgs Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box Method of Catch: LHP - Hand Lines & Pole Lines (Hand Operated) Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Common Name: Red Snapper Alternative Names: Creek Red Bream, Dog Bream, Mangrove Red Snapper, Purple Sea Perch, Purple Sea-perch, Red Bass, Red Bream, Red Perch, Red Reef Bream, River Roman or Rock Barramundi Scientific Name: Lutjanus argentimaculatus Process type: Whole Round; Gilled & Gutted; Fillets; Steaks; Portions Size range: ½ kgs; 2/4 kgs Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box Method of Catch: LHP - Hand Lines & Pole Lines (Hand Operated) Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Red Snipper - is a common name of several fish species. It may refer to: Several species from the genus Lutjanus: Lutjanus campechanus, Northern red snapper, commonly referred to as red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean. Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen)