Supplier: Bio spectrophotometer, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, visible spectrophotometer, flame photometer, automatic polarimeter, whiteness meter, turbidity meter, tintometer, colorimeter, gloss meter, PH/DDS/TDS meter, abbe refractometer
Supplier: Bio Medical Instruments, Laboratory Instrument, S
Spectrophotometer, Indirect Elisa Kit, Fully Automatic Immuno Analyzer And Luminometer
Supplier: Laboratory Equipment: Centrifuge, Autoclave, Bath And Circulators, Bio Safety Cabinets, Co2 Incubator, Electrophoresis, Elisa Reader, Lab Freezer, Lab Refrigerator, Fume Hood, Lab Furnace, Gel Documentation, Glassware Washing Machine, Heating Mantle, Hot Plate And Hotplate Stirrer, Incubator, Kjeldahl System, Lab Shakers And Rockers, Microplate Reader, Microplate Washer, Microscope, Mixer, Peristaltic Pump, Rotary Evaporator, Test Chamber, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Vacuum Pump, Water Distiller, Water Purification System, Analytical Instruments: Lab Balance, Spectrophotometer, Multi Purpose Analyzer, Refractometer, Thermal Cycler, Viscometer.