Hard Wood Branches
Hard Wood Branches
Hard Wood Branches
Hard Wood Branches
We are production of Wood Chips from raw material from waste wood log, stems & wood branch, wood veneer and another wood waste that we doing processing by machine crusher to make Chips size with specification : Moisture: 45% max, Length: More than 40mm: 5% max, From 9 - 40mm: 82% min, From 4.8 - 9.5mm: 5% min, Less than 4.8mm: 5% max, Wood bark: 3%+/-, Foreign matters: 1% max, Average Size : 2-4cm with a thickness of about 2-8mm.
We can produce wood chips as per requested quantity from mix wood. Preferable with vessels
Please introduce ourselves, ADL or Abiyasha Daya Lestari, as one of renewable energy producer as well as forestry management in Indonesia. We will be producing wood chips for biomass in very near time with approximate capacity of 2-3 thousands tons daily and we would prefer bulk capacity order or contractual basis. Should you find further interest, please do email us at team@adlenergy.co.id at your soonest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and kind regards, Arini ADL Energy
No shredded wood - Free from impurities such as leaves, needles, small branches or roots.
Wood Chip is Woods compound word meaning wood and Chip means small pieces and debris. In a simple way, we can understand that Wood Chip is a shredded wood formed by chopping larger pieces of wood such as trees, branches, woody stems, etc., into different pieces. Size Classifications : >35mm : 5% max 28mm 35mm : 10% max 5mm 28mm : 83% min