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Topse Fish (Puntius Sarana)

Supplier From Bangladesh

Topse Fish also known as the Sarana Barb or Indian Barb is a freshwater species commonly found in Bangladesh It is wellregarded for its pleasant taste and high nutritional value Typically inhabiting clean slowmoving waters such as rivers ponds and wetlands Topse Fish is a favorite in local cuisine due to its tender and flavorful flesh It plays an important role in both local fisheries and aquaculture


Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Puntius
Species Puntius Sarana

Price and Minumum Quantity

Price FOB in USD: To be discussed over the phone.
Minimum Order Qty: 50 KG  Kilograms
Production Capacity: 100 Kg Per Day
Packaging: As Per Buyer's Requirements.
Sample: Available. Sample Cost Born By Buyer

Product Model And Origin

Brand: M.M. Fresh Water Fish

Other Details

  • Bangladesh
  • Topse fish
  • Fresh fishes
  • Puntius sarana

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GOLD Member
Supplier From Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Supplier From Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Supplier From Banjarbaru, Indonesia
Supplier From Howrah, West Bengal, India

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