Name of raw materials : Whole Turmeric
High risk ingredients
Physical state: Finger
As per COA & MSDS
Fungus: Free
Insect Affected: Free
Physical characteristics
Alive Insect: Free
Turmeric with root: Free
Immature Free
Small Size : 5.0%
Mutha Free
Shuti Free
Bad Smell: Free
Radish Free
Stone Free
Moisture: 8.0 %
Chemical Characteristics
Cur Cumin : Rajapuri = (2.80-3.40), Nijamabad = (2.70-3.10), Erod = (2.90 - 3.25), Salem = (2.90 - 3.30), Dugari = (2.75 - 3.10), Sangli = (2.90-3.40), Kamangi = (1.50 - 1.75)
Lead Chromate: Absent
Artificial Colour: Absent
Sudan dye 1 : Absent
Sudan dye 2 : Absent
Sudan dye 3 : Absent
Sudan dye 4 : Absent
Aflatoxin B1: 5.00 ppb
Aflatoxin B2:
Chemical Characteristics
Aflatoxin G1
Aflatoxin G2
Total Aflatoxin: 10.00 ppb
Ochratoxin A: 15.00 ppb
Aldicarb: 0.05 ppm
Carbendazim: 0.10 ppm
Ethion: 0.50 ppm
Deltamethrin: 0.50 ppm
Cyhalothrin: 0.05 ppm
Cypermethrins: 0.20pp
Chemical Characteristics
Profenofos : 0.05 ppm
(Pesticide )
Chlorpyrifos: 0.01 ppm
Triazophos: 0.10 ppm
Malathion: 0.02 ppm
Methiocarb: 0.10 ppm
Bifenthrin: 0.05 ppm
Carbofuran : 0.05 ppm
Fenitrothion: 0.05 ppm
Lead (Pb): 2.50 ppm (Max)
Copper (Cu): 5.00 ppm (Max)
Heavy Metal
Cadmium (Cd): 0.20 ppm (Max)
Arsenic (As): 0.50 ppm (Max)
Bacillus cereus 10000.00 CFU/gm (Max)
Clostridium perfringens: 1000.00 CFU/gm (Max)
Microbiological Characteristics
Faecal Coliforms: 100.00 CFU/gm (Max)
Molds: 1000000.00 CFU/gm (Max)
Salmonella: Absent/25 gm
Staphylococcus aureus: 1000.00 CFU/gm (Max)
Supplier N/A
Packaging and Transportation containers
Jute bag. Bag size: 40 kg
Storage conditions and Shelf life
At ambient temperature & 1 year
Preparation and / or processing before use
Used after sorting and drying
Other N/A