With years of experience in the industry we are able to manufacture supply distribute export and wholesale best quality Duck Starter Feed These duct starter feeds we are offering are amongst the top choice of poultry grower for its excellent nutritional content that helps duckling gain weight and boost resistance against certain diseases Our duck starter feeds are formulated using best quality organic raw materials mixed with essential elements to achieve excellent growth rate and great potential for the ducklings
Very easy to use
Offered Duck Starter Feed contains nutrient like calcium which is necessary for boosting digestion and to deal with fatigue in poultry Available in granular texture pellet or coarse mash form of this nutritional feed has crude protein fat fiber and acid insoluble ash in different percentage Offered Duck Starter Feed is made of pure vegetarian ingredient and its moisture content is 12 maximum This feed contains ingredients like toxin binders corn gluten meal essential amino acids DDGS mold inhibitor and vitamins
Duck Starter Feed 02 Weeks D010320
Crude protein N x 625 maximum  20
Crude Fat maximum  3
Crude fibre maximum  6
Acidinsoluble ash maximum  40
Salt as NaCl maximum  06
Moisture maximum  12
Ingredients  Corn Gluten Meal DDGS Pluses Essential Amino Acids Vitamins Minerals Trace Minerals Toxin Binders and Mold Inhibitor
Ingredient Profile  100 Vegetarian
Moisture Maximum 12
Product Form  Coarse Mash Form Pellet Form
Product Branding HAF
Net Weight  39 Kgs When Packed
Product Pricing  On Unit Basis for each 39 Kgs Packing
Production Capacity per Day  450 MTDay
Factory Visit  Not Permissible
Fumigation  Aluminum Phosphide or Methyl Bromide or any as per buyer specification
Clinical Test Methodology  As per IS2052 Proximate Analysis on Dry Matter Basis
Duck starter feed is given to the duck species when they are in the growing phase Feeding them grower feed fulfills their nutritional requirements The duck starter feed offered by Hindustan Animal Feed is made using corn gluten meal DDGS pluses soy meal wheat gluten essential amino acids vitamins minerals trace minerals toxin binders and mold inhibitor The fumigation norms for the feed are as per the industry standards Aluminum Phosphide or Methyl Bromide or any as per buyer specification It is clinically tested according to IS2052 Proximate Analysis on dry matter basis